Chapter 20

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Steve and Bucky were now gone along with Sam. There was some sort of light problem and once it was fixed Steve was gone with his friend. The very friend that had hurt Tony. Tony was now upset in so many ways.

"Tony, I know your upset, but..." Y/N says.

"Oh Im way passed upset. Im pissed off. How dumb is he? Doesnt he care about our family at all?" Tony questions.

"Oh baby of course he does. He is just being Steve. Its always Steve's way to help anyone in need." Y/N says.

"Yeah, but still." Tony says.

"What are you going to do?" Y/N asks.

"Well.. Nat and I are going to get some back up.  She wants to asks Black Panther and Im trying to trace this SpiderKid." Tony says.

"Oh.. Tony you cant get some random kid involved." Y/N says.

The way she said that made Tony look at her. The moment he looked at her and she looked away. Tony knew that face it was her keeping a secret face.

"Sweetheart why wont you look at me?" Tony asks her.

"Is Ev crying? I should go get her." Y/N says.

"She's asleep right here in this very room." Tony says pointing at the sleeping baby in the carseat.

"Now tell me why you made that face when I mentioned the SpiderKid?" Tony asks.

"Because." Y/N says.

"Because why?" Tony asks.

"Cause its not some random kid. Its our kid." Y/N says.

"What? Are you sure?" Tony asks.

"Yes, but you cant do that to him." Y/N says.

"Come along dear we have a son to go see." Tony says.

Tony walked out and Y/N got the baby and they headed back home. Tony kept asking Y/N questions about what happened with Peter. Y/N told him all she knew and Tony was alittle shocked that she never told him.

"And why didnt you tell me?" Tony asks.

"Two reasons, One he didnt want you to know and Two because just maybe a couple minutes or so later I went into labor. My focus was more on Ev after that." Y/N says.

"I get that. But why didnt he want me to know? He knows he can tell me anything." Tony says.

"He just wasnt sure how and he knew you guys would sideline him. He just wanted to help and be like you." Y/N says.

Tony understood why Peter wanted to hide it and when they got home Tony had a talk with Peter.

"Okay Darlin, Im taking Peter with me." Tony says walking into the nursery.

"No you are not." Y/N says.

"Can you get up right now?" Tony asks.

"Im breastfeeding Tony. So no I cant move." Y/N says.

"Then you cant stop us." Tony says.

He walked out quickly and the next thing Y/N heard was the door slamming shut.

Y/N was really mad at what she had to deal with. First Tony and Steve were fighting and then Tony takes Peter to fight against Steve.

Y/N kept calling Tony, but he kept declining her call. Y/N just put Everlie down for a nap when she heard the door open.

"Mom." Peter says.

Y/N walked downstairs and saw Peter and he was hurt.

"What happened?" Y/N asks examining Peter's face.

"I fought Steve and this kinda happened, but he didnt know it was me." Peter says.

"Ohh.. Okay. Lets get you cleaned up. Where's your dad?" Y/N asks.

"I dont know. Uncle Rhodey got hurt and Dad is with him somewhere." Peter says.

Y/N started helping clean up Peter's hurt eye while Tony was now trying to help Steve when he learned the truth about his parents.

"You knew? You knew their death wasnt an accident." Tony says.

"Im sorry. I didnt think." Steve says.

"Right. Did you also know the SpiderKid was actually Peter?" Tony questions.

"What? No. I.. Is he okay?" Steve asks.

"He's fine. No thanks to you. Now get out of my way. Your little buddy is going to pay." Tony says.

Of course that didnt happen and Steve left with Bucky on the run and he even left his shield behind for Tony.

When Tony came home he told Y/N everything and it was clear Tony was now broken.

"Hey use this on your eye." Y/N says handing him some ice.

"Thanks." Tony says.

"Babe.." Y/N says.

"I got a letter from Steve with a burner phone. He apologized and says he still loves us. He just had to do the right thing." Tony says to her showing her the letter.

"Here. You take the phone and send him updates on Ev. I may be mad at him, but he is still her father and it would be wrong to deny him of that." Tony says giving her the phone.

Tony didnt want to give the phone at first because he was so mad, but that wouldnt be fair to Everlie or Y/N to just shut him out. He was the one mad and hurt here not them. So be knew the best choice is letting Y/N keep in touch with him so he could still know all the parts of Ev growing up. Even if he isnt there with them to see it for himself.

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