Chapter 7

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Y/N sat there as Tony and Bruce worked and still she kept thinking about what Fury had said. Whatever Fury had planned for her it scared her. She was just lucky to not pass it down to her son.

"Babe, you seem quiet whats wrong?" Tony asks.

"Nothing. Its just a weird day thats all." Y/N says.

"Yeah. Well I know you and that look something is bothering you. And I dont like things bothering you." Tony says putting his hand on her waist.

"What bothers you bothers me and I hate it. You my love have every part of me so tell me whats wrong." Tony says.

Before she could answer Steve walked into the room. His eye settled on Y/N which Tony did not like seeing.

"Hi.. Again." Steve says nervously.

"What do you want? We are bust here. Get out." Tony says.

"Tony, relax. What did you need Steve?" Y/N asks.

"Fury wanted me to tell you that if your beloved husband here is thinking about hacking into SHIELD's stuff then secrets wont be so secret." Steve says.

"What?" Y/N questions.

"Okay now Im having JARVIS speed up the process." Tony says.

"No dont please." Y/N says touching Tony's arm.

"Ow!" Tony yelled.

"Oh shit. Baby Im sorry." Y/N says taking her hand back.

"Did you just burn me?" Tony says looking at his arm.

"Oh wow. Its like acid burn." Bruce says grabbing Tony's arm.

"Sir, I ran the files faster and found your wife's files." JARVIS says.

"Tony, please dont read them. I promise I'll tell you the truth. Just not here." Y/N says.

Tony looked up at her and could see she really wanted it to be just them when they talked. He nodded at her. She held out her hand and he took it and they left the lab and went to a quieter place.

"I know you have alot of questions. But I promise you its not deadly well... Not really." Y/N says.

"You have acid hands or something?" Tony asks.

"Kinda, its not really just that. There is also the ability of fire." Y/N says.

"Right. Fire and acid come from your hands. Cause thats something I shouldnt have known." Tony says.

"Tony, Baby, please listen to me. The acid is something a can choose to make happen. Once my hands come in contact with some else's skin I have the ability to make the acid burn them, take off the flesh, and if held long enough on them I can spread it all over them and turn them into a puddle which will kill them." Y/N says.

"Oh my god." Tony says.

"And as for the fire its like any other kind of superpower I guess. Its like Thor with his lightning except I dont need a hammer." Y/N says just focusing on his reaction.

"Tony, look I love you so much and I know I should of told you. I didnt know how. I thought if you knew you would love me anymore and leave. I could risk losing you." Y/N says taking his hands in hers.

"My parents gave me to Fury and SHIELD when I was just three years old. I dont know where these powers came from, but when they appeared my own parents didnt want me. I could risk that with you as well." Y/N says tears now streaming down her face.

Tony looked at his wife who was in tears and he knew he couldnt be upset with her. He pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head.

"I love you more then anything and this doesnt change how I feel and even back then it wouldnt have changed anything. You are my whole world." Tony says and kisses her.

Sure once this battle with Loki is over they have alot to discuss, but one thing kept going around Tony's mind. Why didnt her powers get passed down to their son Peter?

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