Chapter 25

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They staid in the Compound for a couple months after the snap just so they could figure out what to do about the fact that Steve is back. Y/N couldnt leave him alone and make him stay away from his daughter any longer.

Tony was very hesitant with Steve, but he managed to put it aside for Everlie and Y/N. So Tony got a nice little home far away from everything and even invited Steve to stay with them.

Tony did this of course so Ev could have her father and so Y/N wouldnt feel guilty having Ev be so far away from him. But he also did it because he knew Y/N still loves Steve, he knew that Steve still loved them, and he knew deep down he still loved Steve as well.

But right now Y/N is the main focus because they are expecting again. Y/N found out she was pregnant, 6 weeks along just 3 weeks after the snap. So she was once again having Tony's baby.

Which was another reason to leave the Compound. They wanted to just forget the old hero life and move on. Y/N was now only 5 months pregnant and her hormones were all over the place, but it was mostly sadness do to the loss of Peter.

Peter was always on her mind, her first born child, the most amazing thing in her life. Being his mother and watching him grow into an amazing young man made everyday worth it.

Every night Y/N just has lovely dreams of her son and wakes up crying. Still seeing him in her mind.

Y/N had tears streaming down her face just thinking of her son

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Y/N had tears streaming down her face just thinking of her son. She then got out of bed and headed downstairs.

She walked into the kitchen and saw Steve making some tea.

"Hey... Another Peter dream?" Steve asks.

"Yeah." Y/N says.

"Here. You need it more then I do." Steve says handing her his mug.

"Thanks." Y/N says.

Steve just watched her with sadness. He knows that this is killing her. He wishes he could fix it and bring Peter home, but he cant.

He walked over to her and hugged her placing a small kiss on her head.

"Hey have you seen Tony? He wasnt in bed. Not like Im surprised about that, but he wasnt there. Any idea to where he could be?" Y/N asks.

"He's out on the porch." Steve says.

"Does he seem any better?" Y/N asks.

"He's getting there. I dont think he ever will get better. He still blames himself for Peter being snapped away." Steve says to her.

"I hate that you two are hurting so bad. I wish I could say it will get better, but that would be a lie." Steve says.

"Right now just hold me. Thats all I need right now." Y/N says.

Steve did just that he held on to her just like she wanted.

Before they knew more months had passed and Y/N had given birth to their new little baby girl Morgan. Time was moving forward and in this moment they all were happy. Peter is still in the back of their minds and will never be forgotten. But if given the chance to get him back they all would jump at the chance the bring him home, to bring all those who were snapped back. And then maybe things would be just perfect.

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