Chapter 16

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The plan to have a child was one they were all on board with. After a few months of getting negative tests one then came back positive. After telling her husbands the next one to tell was Peter and he was actually excited.

But then things got crazy when one husband created a evil robot which was causing her stress.

"Look Im sorry.. I didnt think this would happen." Tony says.

"You didnt think at all. God damn it Tony. I cant not stress about you right now. But you have clearly done it this time." Y/N says.

"Darlin Im sorry." Tony says.

"Shut up." Y/N says.

"Tony why didnt you just tell us what you were planning?" Steve asks.

"Why? Because I knew the team would say no. I just wanted to make something that could keep everyone safe. I didnt think it would come to live and be psychotic and evil." Tony says.

"I cant deal with this right now." Y/N says.

She walked out of the room and Steve followed. Tony was left there in his lab and he felt just terrible. It wasnt on purpose and now they the two people he loves are mad at him.

"I cant believe him. He promised to be open about his work. Now this.. Ugh." Y/N says.

"Hey dont do that. Calm down. You cant stress it isnt good for you or the baby. In 6 months you can let Tony have it. Until then please calm down." Steve says.

He made her sit down and held her hand and kissed it. Tony made a mistake and she was just upset at the result and being pregnant might have made her overly upset.

"Im sorry and I know Tony wasnt trying to make trouble. Look I'll try to stay calm and you and the team can deal with this Ultron thing." Y/N says.

"Okay we'll focus on Ultron and you just relax and focus on the baby, yourself, and Peter." Steve says.

"Yeah... Look, Im going to take a nap. You go and deal with Tony and everything." Y/N says.

Y/N walked into the bedroom and laid down all she could think about was the whole Ultron thing. After her nap she found out that the team had left.

Tony had left a note on the bed saying how sorry he was and that he loved her with all his heart. The team was suddenly on the run and Y/N was stuck at home with Peter hoping both the team and her husbands would come home safe and sound.

"Hey mom do you think this Ultron will destroy the world?" Peter asks.

"With the Avengers fighting him Im sure our family will be home in no time. And Im sure just like every villain Ultron will lose." Y/N says.

"Do you think these villains will ever go away?" Peter asks.

"Maybe one day. Why do you ask?" Y/N asks.

"Well one day I want to be able to help them and keep the world safe." Peter says.

Peter walked out of the room and Y/N put her hand on her stomach. Hoping that this one will not want to join the team of heroes when he or she is older.

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