Chapter 10

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Steve at first was alittle shocked about what he was being asked by the couple. This kind of thing wasnt something he ever heard of.

He wasnt sure if he was wanting to try it at first, but he decided to try and give it a shot. He wanted what Y/N wanted and that was to explore whatever they were feeling.

The thing was things he never thought happened to him. The slow poly relationship began to be something Steve never thought he would have.

For 6 months no one knew what has happened between these three. It was a secret for them. They didnt think anyone would understand since it was clear to them all now. All three of them had fallen in love with each other.

"Hey, Mom. Where's Dad?" Peter asks.

"Working on what happened to Happy down in the lab." Y/N says.

"Right... Do you think that Mandarin man is coming here?" Peter asks.

"I dont know, but if he does you're dad has a plan." Y/N says.

"What plan?" Peter asks.

"Umm well..." Y/N says.

"Dad has no plan." Peter says.

"The plan is really more if anything happens call Steve. And hope he can make it back from DC quickly." Y/N says.

"Right... Steve..." Peter says.

"Whats wrong? I thought you adored Steve?" Y/N asks.

"I do. Its just I feel like just because Im 11 no one wants to tell me whats really going on. Like why Steve was here so much." Peter says.

"Okay sweetie. Look when the time is right you'll be the first to know." Y/N says.

As things seemed to be bad because when Pepper showed up. She was getting something from Tony when Peter noticed their house was on TV. Thats when things got dangerous.

Though Tony had his suit ready in action and he made sure his family and Pepper were out of the building. Before he disappeared.

"Pepper, please called Rhodey let him know what happened. Im going to call Steve." Y/N says.

She went to call Steve who immediately was going to find his way there to keep them company.

"Mom? These people are saying Dad is dead." Peter says as reporters were all over their broken home.

"Is he?" Peter asks.

"Hun I dont know. I dont think he is. Just relax okay." Y/N says.

Y/N went to talk to Pepper as Peter started looking around the broken home he grew up in. He then noticed one of his Father's IronMan helmets. He noticed there was a glow inside and so he wanted to know what that meant.

What Peter heard was his father's voice and it was a message for his mother. He listened to it first before giving it to his mom.

After hearing the message Y/N took Peter to a hotel as they waited for Steve to come and waited before they heard from Tony again.

But Peter wouldnt sleep he kept feeling like any noise outside their room would be someone evil to get them. So when there was a knock on the door Peter freaked out.

"We cant open it. It could be the Mandarin's helper." Peter says.

"Pete its okay. Just let me check." Y/N says.

Peter hid in the bathroom as his mother went to check the door. When he heard the door open he got ready to attack someone.

"Its okay Peter. Its just Steve." Y/N says.

"Oh thank god." Peter says leaving the bathroom.

"Its a good thing its you. Cause if it wasnt I found a hairdryer and things could of got violent." Peter says.

"Well I guess if anyone misses with you, you'll have it handled." Steve says.

"It wasnt about me. It was about protecting my mom." Peter says.

"Well.. Until your dad gets back Im going to keep you both safe. But I can see Im the second line of defense when it comes to protecting her until then." Steve says.

"Thats right." Peter says.

Peter went to lay into his bed and before long he was out like a light. Steve pulled Y/N into a hug and kissed her forehead.

"He'll be okay Doll. He'll be okay." Steve says.

Y/N knew that was true, but what she didnt like was that he's off in trouble once again. And this time is different since Peter is really scared someone wants to hurt them. But with Steve around maybe he'll feel alittle safer.

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