Chapter 24

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Steve had come back to the Compound and he was happy to be able to be with Y/N and his daughter. Not loving the fact that they lost, but happy they were still here. Days were starting to pass and Y/N was worrying about Tony and Peter.

"Hey Doll, she's down for a nap. Hey... You okay?" Steve asks her.

"Not really. I miss Tony and Peter." Y/N says.

"Me too. Look, you said you had a feeling one of them didnt make it. Which one do you think it is?" Steve asks.

"My son." Y/N says.

"Ohh I hope not." Steve says.

"And if its not him its Tony. Either way one of my boys isnt coming home." Y/N says.

Her heart was shattering at the thought of losing one. Steve pulled her into his arms and hugged her.

As time went on Y/N has come to terms with one of them being gone and was just ready to get whoever was still around back. And thanks to this Captain Marvel lady.

Steve went out to meet them as the spaceship was landing. Y/N watched it from the window not wanted to know who was the one who survived the snap. But when the spaceship door opened Tony came out of the ship and Y/N knew what that meant. Her son was gone.

Steve helped Tony inside and Y/N didnt want to see Tony yet as they had some things to talk about with part of the team thats left.

"Look, we all lost here." Steve says.

"No we didnt just lose. I had to watch my son disappear in front of me. The universe didnt just lose, I lost one of the most important people in my life. He's gone and now I have to face my wife and tell her how I let her down." Tony says.

"Tony, she isnt mad at you. She knows you did your best. And she's with Ev right now if you want to see them. Let us handle this right now, go and get some rest." Steve says.

Tony was helped out of the meeting room by Rhodey. When Ev saw him she ran over to him and hugged him.

"Daddy!" Everlie says.

"Oh baby I've missed you so much. And Im glad you're okay." Tony says and kisses her head.

"I leave you guys too it." Rhodey says leaving.

Tony picked up Ev and then turned to his wife. She was facing the window looking out, tears slowly falling for her eyes.

"Darlin?" Tony questions.

"He's gone." Y/N says.

"Yeah... Im so sorry. I didnt mean to fail you or him." Tony says.

Y/N turned around and faced him. The look of sadness on her face broke Tony's heart. He placed Everlie down and went over to Y/N. He wiped her tears and kissed her forehead.

"Im so sorry my Darlin. Im so sorry." Tony says hugging her.

"Im so so so so..." Tony says.

"Hey. Im not mad at you and you have nothing to apologize for. I know you did your best." Y/N says.

"I lost our son. My job as a father is to protect my children and I didnt." Tony says breaking down.

He dropped his knees and covered his face with his hands. Y/N got down to his level and made him look at her.

"Hey dont do that. You're a great father and you did the best you could." Y/N says kissing the top of his head.

"Momma, why is Daddy sad?" Everlie asks.

"Umm.. Well..." Y/N says.

"I'll make him better." Everlie says.

She climbed into his lap and placed her little hands on his cheeks. Before kissing his forehead.

"You better Daddy?" Everlie asks him.

"Yeah, sweetie Im better." Tony says and kisses her cheek.

"See Mommy. I told you I make him better." Everlie says.

"I guess you did." Y/N says.

Everlie snuggled into Tony's chest and he just held her tightly. Things were different now and no one knows what comes next, but they have to stick together or nothing would get better.

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