Chapter 29

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Y/N was sitting outside with the other original team members they all were quiet. Tony just holding his wife in his arms. Tony was holding it together the best he could he had to be the strong one.

"Well, we can get him back. He isnt gone." Thor says.

"It was a trade Thor. He's gone. He's really gone." Clint says.

"Guys.." Nat says motioning over to Y/N.

"We need to finish what we started so Steve didnt die for nothing." Nat says.

"Yeah... You're right. But.. But I cant leave her." Tony says.

"Dont you worry about her Tony. I'll keep an eye on her." Nat says.

For a moment Tony didnt want to leave her, but he knew he had to so he can bring Peter back. He knew that would make Y/N alittle happier.

Tony kissed Y/N's forehead and got up and left. Nat sat with Y/N as she just cried on her shoulder.

"He's gone Nat. My Steve, he's gone." Y/N says.

"I know sweetie. I know." Nat says.

Y/N's heart was broken at the thought of going home soon and telling her kids that one of their dads isnt coming home.

"Im going to have to tell the kids. God Everlie will be a mess, Morgan wont really understand, and Bexley wont even notice. And when Peter comes back he will be crushed. He adored Steve." Y/N says.

"Hey I know it will be hard, but at least Tony will be with you." Nat says.

Y/N knew that would be true. It would only be her and Tony and they would have to be the ones to tell their kids about the great hero that is Steve Rogers.

Inside Tony, Bruce/Hulk, and Rocket were putting the new Gauntlet together. Tony was clearly trying to hold it together.

"Hey Tony... You want me to finish it? You can go spend some alone time with Y/N." Bruce says.

"No its okay. I'll finish this get Peter back and then we can go home to our other kids. Then... Well then we'll all say our goodbyes to Steve." Tony says.

They continued to work and with that they were done. They called everyone together and Tony walked over to Y/N and gave her a hug.

"Hey baby. I want you to stay behind me okay. We're bringing our son back." Tony says.

He kissed her forehead and moved her behind him and next to Clint. Before putting a shield up blocking her and Clint, Tony turned to Bruce.

"Remember just bring everyone back dont change anything within the last five years. We cant do that." Tony says.

Bruce nodded at him knowing that Y/N didnt need anymore pain in her life. Bruce did the snap and everyone looked around after he did it.

"Did it work?" Nat asks.

"I dont know." Bruce says.

Scott went over to the window and Tony held his wife close to him. Clint's phone began to ring it was his once snapped wife. But before he could answer there was a blast knocking them all down. It was clear that this fight was far from over.

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