Chapter 11

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Steve and Y/an decided it would be best if she and Peter stayed with him in DV while they hoped for Tony to come back.

Everything seemed to be just fine and everyone was just waiting for Tony to call. Peter was the one who kept waiting by the phone all day.

But today Peter was angry and had locked himself in the bathroom. He was in there crying because he had caught his mother and Steve sharing a kiss in the kitchen.

"Okay he hates me." Y/N says.

"He does not hate you, Doll. He is just confused. Look I have to go I promised Fury I would go over some case with Natasha. I'll be back later. Maybe this will give you two time to talk." Steve says.

"Yeah.. Maybe." Y/N says.

Steve gave her a quick kiss before leaving out for work. Y/N went to the bathroom door and knocked on it.

"Peter, please come out we need to talk." Y/N says.

"No! You cheated on Dad with Captain America. When Dad comes back Im telling." Peter says.

"Sweetie, your Dad already knows." Y/N says.

She didnt hear him say anything and he slowly opened the door. His eyes red from all the crying.

"What?" Peter questions.

"Come with me." Y/N said leading the 11 year old to the couch.

"Okay listen I am not cheating on your dad with Steve. Okay this might sound weird, but Steve has kind of joined our relationship. So your dad is still my husband and I am his wife, but Steve is our boyfriend." Y/N says to her son.

"Now no one knows that except the three of us and now you. This kind of relationship isnt very common, but it can be common. We just didnt know when to tell anyone yet, but know this we were going to tell you before anyone else." Y/N says.

"So.. Steve is just joining our family and not breaking our family?" Peter asks.

"Thats right so you see nothing bad..." Y/N says.

"Expect Dad is gone cause of some crazy person. Wait is that why Steve was always around and came to get us after Dad disappeared?" Peter asks.

"Yeah. Look, your Dad will come home. That man is to stubborn to die. We'll see him again and everything will then be fine." Y/N says.

Peter felt better and he went back to watching the phone for a call. Hours later Peter was asleep on the couch and when Steve came home he picked Peter up and placed him in the bed.

"Hey how'd it go?" Steve asks.

"It actually went very well. He isnt upset anymore. And Im sure he doesnt really understand, but he is okay with it. After our talk he went back to watching the phone." Y/N says.

"Well he'll get it when he is older. Also I got a call from Rhodes, Tony has called him for backup. So it wont be long before he comes back." Steve says and wrapped his arm around her waist.

He kissed her forehead and held her close. They were okay, but they missed their Tony and couldnt wait for him to come back home.

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