Chapter 2

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Tony had now had a new device attached to him and he was also busy away making something in his lab which was odd after he stopped the weapons manufacturing. It really bothered Y/N so she went down there why Peter was napping to see what he was doing.

"Hey Babe... What the hell is that?" Y/N asks.

"Umm... Nothing." Tony says.

"Oh really nothing? Tony what are you doing?" Y/N asks.

"I just know I have to do this. The world needs this. I needs this. If this thing works then I'll know my family will be safe. You and Peter needs this." Tony says walking over to her.

"Tony, what is it?" Y/N asks.

"Its a suit and when Im done it will be a game changer for everyone. Please dont be mad." Tony says.

Oh Y/N wanted to be mad. She just lost him once and now he is making this thing only to make her even more worried about him. But she knows he likes to make things and keep busy. And it didnt help that she just melts at the sight of his puppy eyes.

"Im not mad. I just dont want you to get hurt again. Promise me you wont get hurt." Y/N says.

"I promise." Tony says.

"Yeah right." Y/N says.

"I love you." Tony says and kisses her.

Tony made his suit and it did good like Tony had planned. Sure his dad's old friend tried to kill him and his wife, but those things happen right?

"I cant believe you." Y/N says.

"Hey I won remember." Tony says.

"How could I forget. You almost died again. Stop almost dying." Y/N says lightly hitting his chest.

"Hey Daddy, here is the paper you wanted." Peter says to him.

"Thanks Bud." Tony says and takes the paper.

"They are calling you IronMan. At least thats what the paper says." Peter says.

"Uhh IronMan. A superhero." Tony says.

"Wipe the smirk on your face, Anthony." Y/N say.

"Oh boo. Mommy is alittle cranky." Tony says.

"I am not. I just know you. Keep this IronMan thing a secret we do not need more attention." Y/N says.

Y/N grabbed Peter out and Tony was being asked questions. Tony just couldnt help himself to let everyone know just who IronMan was.

"I am IronMan." Tony says.

Y/N already knew he would do that even when she said not to. Its Tony he wants the credit of helping.

"Is Daddy in trouble?" Peter asks.

"Oh big time." Y/N says.

Tony knew Y/N was mad at him and so he tired to keep the family out and about doing things so Y/N wouldnt yell at him.

But they had to go home and at home someone had gotten in.

"I am IronMan. Just couldnt help yourself could you." The man says.

"See I told you so." Y/N says.

"Who are you?" Tony asks keeping his wife and son behind him.

"Nick Fury, Director of SHIELD and I have a proposition for you. Its to join a team. A team of heroes called The Avengers." Nick says.

"Nope. He isnt doing anything for you or your SHILED. Please leave." Y/N says.

"Okay. I'll go. If you change your mind, here is my number." Nick says handing it to Tony.

Fury walked out and Y/N picked up Peter and headed upstairs.

"You know I wasnt going to say to his team." Tony says following her.

"I dont do well with other people, let alone a team." Tony says and they entered their son's room.

"Baby, I dont want to be.. What did he call the team?" Tony asks.

"Avengers." Peter says.

"Thanks. I dont want to be one." Tony says.

"I do. Sounds like fun." Peter says.

"No one in this family is joining the Avengers." Y/N says and kissed her son's head.

She headed out and turned out the light as Tony followed after her.

"I wanna be an Avenger one day. A hero like my Daddy." Peter says to himself before going to sleep.

Even though Tony doesnt want to be on the team and Y/N said no... Well things change.

A/N: Awww little Peter wants to be a hero like Tony..🥺🥺

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