Chapter 6

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As Y/N was on the carrier waiting for them to bring in this guy they were looking for. Y/N decided to give Peter a FaceTime call.

She grabbed out her phone and dialed Happy and he answered it. Not knowing how to use it, but when he handed it to Peter he knew how to do it.

"Hey Mom. When are you guys coming home?" Peter asks.

"Soon. Your Dad just has something to do first." Y/N says.

"Oh..." Peter says.

"Hey whats wrong?" Y/N asks.

"I just miss you guys." Peter says.

"I miss you too. Dont worry this will all be over soon and then we'll be home." Y/N says.

"Where is Dad? And where are you?" Peter asks.

"Your dad will be here soon and you know what kiddo I gotta go. Love you." Y/N says and hangs up.

She couldnt exactly tell him things werent good and that some psycho god is trying to kill people.

"I hate to bother you Mrs.Stark, but can we talk for a moment? Your husband, the Captain, Agent Romanoff, have Loki and his brother. And I think we should talk before they get here." Nick says.

"Okay... Whats up?" Y/N asks.

"You and your game. Y/N, remember when I came around when Tony said he was IronMan?" Nick asks.

"Yeah..." Y/N says.

"And remember when I and SHIELD somewhat helped him before he could die from the reactor?" Nick asks.

"Yeah. Those werent that long ago." Y/N says.

"Good and remember when you ran away on your 18th birthday?" Nick questions.

Y/N just looked at him and swallowed the lump in her throat.

"Ah so you do. Now does Tony and or your son know the truth about where you came from?" Nick asks.

"No, they dont. And I dont plan on telling them anytime soon, Fury." Y/N says.

"Have I just struck a nerve Y/N?" Nick questions.

"Doesnt matter. But I'd watch it if I were you or did you forget what I can do?" Y/N asks.

"Of course I havent. I let it slide the last 13 years, but now that I have a team in the mix..." Nick says.

"Umm... They're here Sir." Coulson says.

"We'll talk later." Nick says.

Y/N felt like she was to be sick. She couldnt believe Fury was bringing this up after all this time. 13 years of freedom with a man she loves. She doesnt want to move backwards not to mentions she knows what he wants from her.

"Hey baby. I missed you." Tony says kissing her neck.

"Banner and I are going to play in the lab. Care to join us?" Tony asks.

"Sure, I like watching you work." Y/N says playing with his hair.

"I know." Tony says.

They went into the lab and as Tony worked Y/N watched him. Normally watching him work made her feel safe and happy.

But this time all she could think about was her past. A past she never wanted him or Peter to learn about. The question is, Is she wrong to keep her past a secret for her husband and son? Should she tell them?

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