Chapter 19

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Having a new baby in the house meant all the parents focus were on the baby. Which was okay when you had a teenager with a spider secret.

Y/N was tired at all moments of everyday since Everlie was born. Steve and Tony were also very helpful with the baby, but there was only so much they could do.

Thing were fine over the last three months except the fact that Everlie wasnt sleeping through the night yet. She seemed to always wanted to be held.

But things began to change when Wanda made one small accident on a mission. After it happened Steve had been very stressed out because of it. And Tony was starting to fear what would happen next.

"Hey Stevie, you okay? You seem stressed out. Why dont you relax?" Y/N says.

"Oh Doll, not right now." Steve says.

"Steve you cant stress this much. Its not good for you. Maybe you should relax just for alittle bit. Lets go for a walk with Ev while Tony is working on something." Y/N suggests.

"I dont know Doll. Rumlow brought up Bucky and its still hunting me." Steve says.

"Hey, you dont worry about that all the time. Come and spent the day with your wife and daughter." Y/N says.

"Yeah.. Okay." Steve says.

Y/N got Everlie ready for a walk with Steve. On their walk Steve pushed the stroller as Y/N held onto his arm.

"You know whatever happens we love you right." Y/N says.

"Yeah I know. But all this talk is making Tony seem distant lately. I know something is bothering." Steve says.

"Tony is very stubborn so if something does go down dont provoke him. He wont play on your side wether he loves you or not." Y/N says.

"I dont know if I like that." Steve says.

"Tony's stubbornness or the fact things can change?" Y/N questions.

"Both." Steve says.

It was now clear something was definitely wrong. Steve and Tony were in an argument and Steve's first love had just died. Not to mention Steve's old friend blew up the UN.

"Tony I dont like this. Steve wasnt trying to intervene he was just trying to save his friend from a dark fate." Y/N says.

"Dont. Dont do that. He knew the risk and the Accords and he still did it. If he doesnt sign now he could be labeled a criminal. That doesnt look good for us." Tony says.

"I dont care what anyone will says. We love Steve and Everlie will need him." Y/N says.

"I know. When he gets here let me talk to him. You just take care of her and I'll bring him to you afterwards." Tony says.

His kissed Y/N and then walked out. Y/N didnt want to come to Berlin with Tony, but he thought it would be best of Steve saw her and Ev he might want to change his mind.

But Steve and Tony ended up in a total fight and Tony didnt want him anywhere near Y/N or Everlie. But Steve didnt listen he went to them anyway.

"Tony is very mad. He doesnt want me around either of you." Steve says.

"Steve.." Y/N says.

"What did I say?" Tony questions.

"You cant tell me not to see them because you are mad at me." Steve says.

"I dont care. Leave them alone. If you dont sign and keep going after things like you did. You will be a criminal on the run and what kind of life would that be for them. A bad one. Im trying to protect them." Tony says.

Steve walked the other way and Tony kissed Everlie's forehead and then his wife before heading into the control room. He wasnt trying to hurt anyone he just wanted his family safe and right now Steve couldnt do that.

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