Chapter 13

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Y/N had gotten a call from Steve and the news wasnt so good. Not only was SHIELD compromised, but in the called Steve told her that Fury was dead. Y/N went into Tony's lab as he worked to tell him the news.

"Hey Beautiful, whats with the face?" Tony asks.

"Well Steve called. He said SHIELD has been compromised and Fury was killed." Y/N says.

"Oh that terrible. Can you hand me that screwdriver?" Tony asks.

"Really Tones? A man is dead and Steve is off risking his life and you want a screwdriver for your suit?" Y/N questions.

"Yeah." Tony says to her.

"Look knowing Fury he doesnt go down easy maybe he's faking. Now could I have the screwdriver please." Tony says.

"Yeah.. Here." Y/N says giving it to him.

"Thanks my love." Tony says.

Y/N just walked out and Tony was confused as to of why. She normally would stay with him since Peter is off at school.

"Why did she just walk out?" Tony asks himself.

"Well if I may Mr.Stark, it would seem your wife is upset with you." JARVIS says.

"Why would you say that?" Tony asks.

"Because you brushed off what she said. Mr.Fury's death, SHIELD's compromised, and Captain Rogers out risking his life. You, Sir ignored her when she is clearly upset and that made her mad at you." JARVIS says to him.

"When you were missing and risking your life The Captain was right by your wife's side making her feel better about it. So as you can see why she is upset." JARVIS says.

Tony just looked at his suit and placed the screwdriver down before leaving out to go and find Y/N. She was just in the living quarters laying on the couch watching the news. Seeing Fury's death plastered everywhere and Steve being hunted was hurting her.

Tony just walked up to her and sat beside her. He pulled her into his side and kissed her head.

Y/N staid in Tony's arms all day and because of it Y/N had Happy pick up Peter from school.

Days had started to pass and Y/N grew restless waiting for Steve to come home. She wanted to just hear for him and get to talk to him, but she knew whoever was hiding within SHIELD had phones tapped. There was no way they would hear from Steve anytime soon.

"Hey Darlin, he'll come back and everything will be okay. Alright." Tony says.

"Yeah I know. Its just no matter how many times this kind of thing happens its always so hard because of the unknown." Y/N says.

Tony just looked at her. He loves her with all his heart just like he knows Steve feels the same. Maybe when Steve comes back they can take a step back for alittle while. And even possibly adding Steve into their family even more so then he is already.

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