Chapter 22

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Y/N was now pacing around the house at the moment Tony told her about Peter and the fact that he was at fault that the fairy had been destroyed. Tony was beyond pissed off at him and he had even took Peter's new suit.

Peter came home to his mother pacing around and the moment she saw him, he could see the anger on her face.

"Mom I..." Peter says.

"I told you Peter. I told you I didnt want you to do this stuff. Your father warned you about the Vulture man and you didnt listen to him." Y/N says.

"Mom, I need to finish what I started. That...." Peter says.

"No, Peter. Go to your room." Y/N says.

"But..." Peter says.

"Room now." Y/N says.

"Yes Ma'am." Peter says.

Peter walked upstairs and Y/N didnt want to punish her son or even ground him, but what he did was reckless and could of got someone killed.

Tony had come home not to long after Peter and Y/N had never seen her husband so mad. Not even when he was fighting with Steve.

"Is he home?" Tony asks.

"Yep. I sent him to his room." Y/N says.

"FRIDAY?" Tony questions.

"Yes Mr.Stark?" FRIDAY questions.

"Please lockup all of Peter's windows and even his door. He isnt allowed out unless for school and keep him on tracking while he is out." Tony says.

"Yes sir." FRIDAY says.

Y/N turned to her husband and when she was about to say something when she heard Everlie crying. She went upstairs and went to get Everlie.

Y/N picked up her little girl and sat down in the rocking chair patting her daughter's back.

"I know baby." Y/N says.

Everlie was about 6 months old and she was showing some features of her father. Which made Y/N miss Steve alot. She just hoped that he was okay.

"Darlin Im going to talk with Pete." Tony says.

"Yeah okay." Y/N says.

He walked out of the room and as she was getting Ev back to bed she heard yelling coming from Peter's room.

Everlie started crying and now Y/N was pissed.

"Its okay baby girl." Y/N says kissing her daughter's head.

Y/N carried her to hers and Tony's room. She had finally got Everlie to sleep and so Y/N just cuddled up to her baby.

"I love you my sweet girl. Sweet dreams Angel." Y/N says.

After arguing with Peter, Tony went to his room where he saw his wife asleep cuddled up to the baby.

Over the next couple of days Peter has been out of the spotlight as Spiderman. And he has been listen to his parents that Y/N had told Tony to ease up on Peter and have the tracker stop. Tony agreed to ease up and Peter was no longer being tracked.

Peter was heading to the school dance and it would be a normal night and that was very wrong as Peter ended up coming back as Spiderman and stopped them from taking stuff that belonged to his family.

After the incident Y/N was waiting for Peter to show up with Happy. When they did arrive Y/N handed Everlie to Happy before pulling Peter with her.

"Mom about the other night I know I made a call and Im so sorry I went against yours and dad's rule and..." Peter says.

"Im not mad Peter." Y/N says.

"You're not?" Peter questions.

"No Peter we arent mad at you. You did what you had to do and for that your father wants to talk to you." Y/N says.

Tony left the conference room and went over to Peter. Y/N let them talk and Peter has decided that even though his father asked him to be an Avengers something he always wanted. He decided against it because he wasnt ready just yet.

So after he made his choice he went home with his family and everything seemed to turn around. Things were stable and calm and before they knew it more time has past.

Peter was now 15 and Everlie was now 2 years old. 2 years since Y/N has seen Steve and since the Accords. Other then not seeing Steve things werent to bad. Nothing could go wrong.... Right?

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