Chapter 12

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A few days passed and before they knew it Tony was on his way to them. And since their house was destroyed Tony thought it would be best to move to the tower in New York.

When Tony showed up at the apartment the first one to greet him was Peter who was happy to see him again.

"Hey Bud. You okay? I know what happened was scary and I promise never to put you in harms way ever again." Tony says to him.

"Im okay dad. Im just glad you're home." Peter says hugging him.

"Me too, Bud." Tony says.

"Oh and Dad its okay. Mom told me about you guys and Steve. And its okay with me." Peter says.

"Well I appreciate that thank you." Tony says.

Tony was home and everything was better now. Tony was reunited with his wife and lover. Tony had talked with them both and they agreed with Tony. They would make the move to New York and Steve would come around when he could. Cause right now he made a promise to help SHIELD and so he would stay in DC for now.

A few weeks later they were fully moved into the Avengers Tower and Peter was heading to school. A new school in a new city where he knew no one.

"Mom, no one really likes me. They fake it because of Dad." Peter says.

"Oh sweetheart the right friends will like you just for you. Wether thats now or in High School." Y/N says.

"Still doesnt mean people wont pretend." Peter says.

"Which is why your dad and I decided to drop the Stark name at school. In school from now on you will just be Peter Parker. Now we really did make the best choice only saying we had a son and not showing you to the public." Y/N says.

(Okay so just so you know. In the first chapter when I said they told the world she had Peter Parker Stark, they only said it was a son and not his name. I had to say the name for my readers)

"So thats why in photos or videos of you, me, and Dad I am blurred out." Peter says.

"Yep. Your dad would sue. Now sweetie, your teachers know the truth, but cant say anything. Now have a good day. I love you." Y/N says as Peter gets out.

"Love you too, Mom." Peter says.

He walked into the school and Y/N drove home. Things got back to I guess you could say normal. But then the world found out about the relationship.

That became a problem that the world picked at their relationship. But that didnt matter to them they had a 12th birthday to celebrate.

After that people were still saying things, but their were to shut up soon once CaptainAmerica saved them from the upcoming drama of HYDRA.

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