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Kuroo's POV

I say my goodbyes to the team after practice and sighed, loving the breeze as it hit my face. Standing there for a while, I start to think about how I was going to find a new setter for the team.

"No one really stands out." I mumbled to myself, thinking about our trainees. Sighing, I immediately call my bestfriend.

"HEY HEY HEY!" He shouted through the phone, making me laugh.

"Bokuto, you know you don't have to always answer the phone with that, right?" I laughed, turning around towards the gym.

"Yeah, but where's the fun in that?" He hummed. I chuckled as I begin to walk towards the gym doors.

"Anyway, you know how we are short a member?" I asked, grabbing the door handle, and slowly begin to pull the door open.

"Yeah, didn't your coach tell you to look for one? Can't you just create some flyers and post them?" He asked. I sighed, letting the handle go and turning around.

"Do you really think people read flyers these days?" I asked, walking towards the garden.

"Why? Akaashi does." He mumbled, making me roll my eyes and walk towards the gym doors again.

"That's because Akaashi likes to be aware of things around the neighborhood. I'm pretty sure he-" I paused as I open the gym doors slowly, just in time to see a kid and Lev.

"He, what?" Bokuto asked, waiting for me to answer. The kid set the ball and Lev quickly hit it, making it hit the ground with a large impact.

"Woah! That was such a accurate set!" Lev yelled, running to go get the volleyball. The kid whispered something, that I couldn't hear. I look at his hair as it was put into a sloppy bun, obviously leaving some pieces out.

He turn around, making me quickly hide behind the door.

Did he see me?

What if he saw me? That would make me such a creep.

"Helllllllllloooo?" I heard Bokuto hum, only just realizing that he was still on the phone. I put the phone up to my ear and quietly sneak away back beside the school doors.

"Sorry, I think I just found our next setter." I smiled to myself as I watch Lev and the kid walk out of the gym.

"So, Kenma, what do you think about joining the Volleyball team?"

Kenma...Such a beatiful name..

"I'm fine." He mumbled, Lev stopped, he wasn't the only on taken aback.

"W-Wait, why? You're so good." He whined as they both walk to the bus stop.

"Lev!" I shouted, running up to them.

"Captain!" He smiled, as I stand beside him at the bus stop. I look over at Kenma as he look off to something else.

"Oh, and you are?" I asked, causing him to quickly look over at me.

"O-Oh, I'm Kenma. K-Kenma Kozume." He whispered, slowly looking up at me. Finally seeing his eyes, I couldn't help but get lost in them.

They were golden...they weren't just golden, they were beautiful...unreadable but beautiful..They held no emotion but at the same time they held many emotions...I knew then that I wanted to know more about Kenma...more than I ever thought...

"Earth to Kuroo!" Lev shouted, shaking me. I blinked a few times before Kenma look down at the ground, obviously hiding his red face.

"Sorry, Kenma it's nice to me you, I'm Kuroo, Nekoma's Captain." I smiled, holding my hand out for him to shake. He look back up and took my hand, as a hair falls in his face.

I smiled and let his hand go. "I love your hair. Did you do it yourself?" I asked. He froze for a while before looking back down at his hands.

"Y-Yea, I did it myself when I was at my old school." He mumbled, as the bus pulled up.

"Hey, I'll talk to you guys tomorrow." Lev smiled, as he got on the bus. Watching as the bus leaves, I finally turn back to Kenma.

Kenma's POV
He's looking at me again, I can feel it..

I turn to Kuroo as he continues to look at me. "You're new right?" He asked, lifting a eyebrow. I nodded. "Hey, let's make a deal." He smiled.

"A..deal?" I frown, confused.

"Yeah, If you get a high score on the math test that's in two days, then you don't need to join the team, but if I do, then you have to join as our setter." He smirked.

"Okay." I mumbled, agreeing since I was fairly good at math.

"Really?" He asked, not able to hide the face of regret.

"Sure, I got a 91 on my last test at my old school, I think I remember how to slove some problems." I mumbled, as the last bus pulls up.

"Right, you get on too?" He asked, I nodded, as he let me get on first. Sitting down beside me, we both go the whole ride in silence.

"See you, Kenma." Kuroo smiled, I gave him a small smile, and got off the bus and begin to walk the rest of the way home.

Opening the door, I slowly close it, looking around to see my mother no where in sight. I let out a sigh of relief and make my way into my room, not forgetting to close and lock the door. Sitting down on my bed, I close my eyes, thinking of tomorrow.

"KENMA!" I flinch, and immediately get as close to the wall as possible. "KOZUME KENMA!" I heard my mother scream from the top of her lungs.

It went quiet for a while, making me sigh until she bangs on my door. "KENMA, GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE! OPEN THIS DOOR!" She yelled, causing me to hold my arms tightly.

"Stop it.." I whispered, hugging my legs close to my chest. She continued to bang on the door as my phone silently vibrated. Looking at my phone, I read the name of the contact who had texted me.

Hey, Kenma! It's been a while hasn't it?!- Hinata☀️



Two chapters in one day!!!

Even though it's been like 2 hours since I published the first chapter, I feel like no one is gonna read this....OOF.




ANYWAY....Like last chapter, I'm just gonna say it again..

If you have any questions concerning this book or anything else (Idk if it's just a normal question about me either) then feel free to just comment and I will see it and reply...if I'm not busy..

I love how I'm telling literally NO ONE to comment...

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