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Kuroo's POV
"No...why would I like him?" I frowned, turning to look at Kenma.

"So..You don't like him?" Lev asked, eyeing me.

"No, o-of course not. He's not even my type." I lied, rolling my eyes.

Lev's eyes suddenly widened as I continue talking. "I like people that are popular. They tend to be more fun." I carried on.

Lev covered his mouth and shook his head. "Wha-" Before I could continue, Kenma stood up and ran out of the gym.

I froze, unable to comprehend what had just happened.

Kenma's POV

I ran as fast as I could, wanting to get away from everyone and everything as soon as possible.

I should've known....nothing will ever change and there is only one way to get rid of it all....

I hate myself...I hate that I blinded myself into believing that I actually belonged....

How could I be so stupid....

I continued to run as warm tears flood my eyes, making it ten times more difficult for me to see. I couldn't stop, I didn't want to stop. Finally, I made it all the way home, that was just a few blocks away from school.

I opened the door, not caring to check if she was here. Running to my room, I slam myself into the door and slowly fall down onto the floor, gripping my shirt as my chest got tighter.

At this rate, I'm sure that I'll probably die..... If that's even possible...But I can't calm down at all....I need Kuroo...

But, he hates me.. He doesn't like me...I don't know why I feel like this when I have no right but I still do.. And I hate this feeling...

I claw at my throat as I shakenly open my room door. "U-Uh..." I try to call out for help but nothing came out..


Someone.....Please....I can't breathe...

Hands wrapped around me as the person held me close. I immediately wrap my arms around him, gripping his shirt as hard as I could. I bury my head into his neck as I continue to try to breathe.

"Slowly...In..and out..." He whispered, breathing with me. I somehow start to calm down but my tears didn't stop.

"Kuroo...." I whispered, crying into his grasp.

"I'm so sorry....I tried to come faster but I was afraid, I followed you closely behind, calling your name but you didn't respond... I'm so sorry... I didn't mean for this to happen, I never wanted you to hear those lies...." He whispered, caressing my back.

I nod and let go of him, looking down at my hands to see a bit of blood on them. "Oh gosh.." Kuroo whispered, grabbing my chin and lifting my head to his eye level as he stared at my neck.

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up." He mumbled, helping me onto my bed. I looked at myself in my mirror and immediately looked away, finding myself looking in disgust.

Kuroo came back with the first aid kit and sat down beside me. "Here, hold onto my hand, this might hurt." He mumbled, holding his hand out for me to hold. I slowly took it, resting our now interlocked hands on my lap.

He put alcohol on the wipe and gently pressed it on a bleeding mark on my lower neck. I tighted my grasp on his hand, making him pat it more gently. "You have attacks?" He suddenly asked, not even glancing at me.

I looked over at him for a while before nodding my head. "It's just anxiety." I mumbled. He looked up at me before nodding his head, moving on to the next scar.

"I'm almost done..." He whispered, putting gause on the cuts and tapeing them up to where I wouldn't feel uncomfortable. He dropped the remaining tape and gause into the kit and closed it, looking back up at me.

We stared at each other for a while before looking away at the same time. "Hey, uh...I didn't mean what I said before." Kuroo whispered, looking back at me. I remained silent as I decided to just listen to him rather than talking.

"I was shy and flustered. I wasn't thinking and I was just saying anything that came to mind. I'm so sorry." He sighed, grabbing my hand. I looked at them and let a tear slowly fall down my face.

"I'm tired.." I whispered, wipping the tear that only made it to the middle of my cheek.

"It's okay. Like I said, if you ever want to cry, just text me so we can meet in the bathroom." He softly smiled. I unconciously smiled softly back at him, as nodded.

I thought about how my mother would feel if she came back and he was here but...at the same time, she rarely came back home. She'd either be sleeping around again or somewhere at a bar.

"What are you thinking?" He asked, looking down at me. I looked at him, hesitating to respond but eventually I did.

"C-Can you stay..with me?" I asked, looking down at our hands. Kuroo smiled and nodded.

"Of course." He said as he took of his shoes. "Oh, yeah. Sorry about my shoes, I'll go put it by the door." He mumbled.

"It okay, I forgot about my shoes too." I smiled. He grabbed both pair and left the room, only to just come back later.

"Alright, I'll sleep on the floor if you want me to." He mumbled, starting to get on the floor.

"No, it's okay..You can sleep on the bed with me.." I whispered, looking down at my feet. He smiled but nodded, getting on the bed next to me.

"Go ahead and sleep, you must be exhausted." He whispered, moving hair from my face. I blushed and nodded, slowly closing my eyes as he continued to carress my cheek.

"You know, you can't sleep if you are blushing." He chuckled, removing his hand from my face. I opened my eyes and smiled softly at him.

"Could you do that again..?" I asked, whispering to him. He looked into my eyes and smiled, shaking his head.

"I feel like, you are only acting like this because you are tired but I won't let it go to waste." He smiled, getting closer to me and carressing my cheek again.

I let my eyes flutter shut as I calmly drift off to sleep....

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