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Kenma's POV

I quickly grab my phone and lift up my window, looking down at the grass. Hearing more of my mothers screams, I shut my eyes tightly, jumping out onto the slightly damp grass.

I can't even get my shoes from the front door..

I cringe from the feeling of the wet grass in between my toes as I run to the nearest rest spot. Pulling out my phone, I respond to Hinata's text.

Hey, Hinata-ME

Let's call- Hinata☀️

I frowned but still answered his call. "Hey! Kenma!" He yelled through the speaker.

"Hi." I humed, sitting down on the ground instead of the bench.

"So, how is tokyo going?!" He asked, somehow letting me know that he was smiling.

"It's new, I think it's fine so far." I mumbled, loud enough for it to be heard.

"Yeah, I miss you lots, even though you were homeschooled half of the time you were living down here." He giggled. I wanted to tell him that I could barely hear him since he was jumping around but I just ignored it.

"Yeah. How is the team?" I asked, looking up at the stars.

"Oh? It's going really well, Daichi wanted to try to contact a volletball team to practice with but Kageyama didn't want to do it." He hummed, finally calming down.

"Really? I haven't seen Kageyama in a while, how has he been?" I asked.

"The same~Just practicing and drinking milk." He laughed, I sigh, nodding my head.

"Mm~" I hummed, zoning out a bit.

"Wait! Does your new school have a volletball team?!" He shouted, almost making my ears bleed.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.


"I'm not on the team though." I mumbled.

"WHAT?! BUT YOU"RE SO GOOD!" He yelled, making me flinch.

"Well, the captain wants me to make a bet with him. He said that who ever get a higher grade on the next math test, in two days will decide if I get on the team or not." I mumbled.

"Really?! But, you are decent with math, do you need me to ask Suga or Daichi to help you?" He asked.

"No, it's okay. I don't think he's good at math anyways." I mumbled, watching as someone walk in the distance.

"AW! Kenma, I have to go now! I'll talk to you tomorrow, I promise!" Hinata whined. Even though I wanted to talk to someone, I didn't want him to feel like I was keeping him up, so I hummed and ended the call.

Sighing, I stand up. Guessing that my mother had probably blacked out by now, I went back home.


I open my eyes, letting the sunlight pass through the window, only missing me by a inch. Slowly sitting up, I look at my phone.

Aftergetting out of bed, I get dress and head off to school. I enter the classroom, quickly sitting down at my seat. "Hey, girly." I heard someone laugh, I look behind me at the guys who had obviously been laughing at me.

I quickly turn around, gripping my shirt and closing my eyes, ignoring their laughter the best that I could. "Is he a transgender, like, look at his face and that hair." They laughed, making tears well up in my eyes yet again.

I begin to breath harshly, unable to calm down like I usually do.

I can't breath...I can't...

I felt warm tears fall down my face as their laughter got louder..."S-Stop.." I whispered, only making them laugh harder. "What did you say?" They laughed, as I slowly grip my shirt just above my chest.

"Guys, stop it, it seems like the femboy can't breathe." The other guy laughed, as he pat my shoulder.

I want to leave....I don't want to be here...I just want it all to end...

I stand up and run towards the classroom doors, but was tripped by a girl who had enjoyed the show that I gave a little too much. I hit the floor and looked back at the class as they all laughed.

I just want to disappear...Forever..

I got up and ran as fast as I could to the nearest bathroom, slamming and locking the stall door, I fall to the floor, trying to gasp for air that I could barely get into my lungs. My chest was burning, it was so painful that I didn't realize someone walk into the bathroom.

"Hey, are you okay in there?" I heard the voice ask, as he stood in front of the stall. I went quiet, scared to say anything. "Oh, sorry. You don't have to say anything." He mumbled.

"It hurts......" I whispered, only just realizing that my nails had dug it's way into my arm.

"What hurts..?" He asked, slowly sitting down in front of the stall.

"My chest.....I-It hurts." I whispered, as my tears slowly came to a stop.

"What happened?" He asked. I remained silent, not sure if he was just going to make fun of me like the other kids. "Don't tell me...You don't have to respond. Just listen.." He whispered.

I slowly sat my head on my knees, doing what he told me to. "Today, I realized that my brother isn't who I thought he was." He mumbled.

I frowned, confused as to what he was trying to say. "He finally came back home, but...He was drunk and had took it out on my mother. He shouted all of these things and ended up saying that he hated Volleyball.." He sighed.

What's wrong with hating something? If you hate it so much then what makes it so wrong?

"You might be wondering why I feel so betrayed...it's stupid but, long story short, I looked up to him since I was a child, he seemed so happy so instead of having fun with him, I told him to follow his dreams. I chose for him to be happy and he left, I haven't seen my brother in about 6 years, and the first thing he says when he sees me is that he hates Volleyball." He whispered.

Oh...So, that's what makes it so wrong...If you suddenly tell your sibling to follow their dreams instead of being home...and they tell you that they hate it 6 years after leaving...then I guess that makes it wrong....

"I can't seem to understand what would make him hate something he loves so much. At the time, I was angry and kept asking myself how he could hate it so much. His eyes clearly told me that what he was saying was true but...I don't believe a word that he said." He sighed, chuckling to himself.

"That's selfish.." I whispered. It got quiet before he said something else.

"How?" He asked.

"If he hates it so much, you have no choice but to accept it. It doesn't concern your opinions any longer. He didn't personally tell you to give up you guys' relationship. I honestly don't think you should have the right to feel as if your brother shouldn't hate it. It isn't your choice, it doesn't matter when he left or came back, but if he dislikes it then you should just let it be." I mumbled. After saying that, it got quiet yet again. I listened closely and heard a few sobs.

Did I say something wrong...I didn't mean to make him cry...

"Sorry...I just.." He laughed, but was still crying. I lifted my head up and took a peek in between the opening.

I watched as Kuroo, wipe his face. He smile to himself and sigh. "I'm sorry." I whispered.

"You shouldn't be sorry, I honestly don't know why I'm crying." He laughed, wiping his face. I remained quiet, letting him finish.

"Hey, now that I let it all out, I should be saying thank you." He smiled, he turned his face towards the opening and I quickly looked away.

"Kenma?" He asked...

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