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Kuroo's POV

I pulled Kenma aside and we both went upstairs to my room. I sat down on the bed as I watched him look around.

"So..." I mumbled, looking around my own room.

"You must be bored." He smiled, sitting beside me on the bed.

"A little, yeah." I laughed, immediately laying back down on my bed.

He nodded and stared at me before giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.

I lifted my eyebrows as he looked away with a smile.

"And that was for..???" I asked.

"What you said earlier, it was a little cheesy but I guess you made me smile a little." He mumbled.

I smiled and sat up, turning his face to look at me. "Hypothetically, if I were to ask you if you were a virgin, what would you say?" I asked.

His eyes immediately widened, as his face flushed a dark red. "W-What?" He choked.

I lifted my eyebrows, tilting my head for him to respond. "I-I mean, I-I guess I would t-technically say no..."He shuddered.

"You had to think about that?" I smirked, getting closer to him as he started to lean away from me.

"I-I...well..." He whispered, trying to find the right words to use.

He avoided my gaze which made me smirk even more. "Should I change that question..? How about, have you ever bottomed before?" I asked.

"U-Uh...no.." He whispered. I nodded and got up, as he followed my every move.

"Oh, sorry..are you okay, with...doing it now? We don't have to." I nervously smiled.

He bit his lip and nodded slowly. "We can..if you want to." He whispered.

I smiled and opened my drawer, pulling out a bottle of lube. He immediately looked away as I smiled at his shyness.

"With this it won't hurt, that much." I mumbled, putting it on the bed.

He nodded, as I stopped in front of him. "We don't have to do this, if you aren't ready." I whispered, knowing that if I started, I wouldn't be able to stop.

"I want to." He mumbled, looking up at me. I carressed his cheek as I connected our lips gently.

He immediately kissed me back, resting his hand on my shoulder. Slowly, I moved us down onto the bed.

Without warning, I took off my shirt, smirking as the blush on his face only grew with rage.

Avoiding the embarrassment, he kissed me again, making me chuckle a little before sliding my hand under his top.

He shivered at my touch, letting out a soft whimper. "Cold..." He whispered.

"Sorry, it'll warm up in no time." I whispered into his ear as I slowly drew circles around his left nipple.

He covered his mouth and looked away as his moans started to get more and more difficult to surpress.

"W-Wait.." He whispered, taking a hold of my hand.

I lifted an eyebrow as he slowly looked at me. He stared at me for a while before kissing me again, wrapping his arms around my neck.


I put both of my hands under his shirt and in the same motion, carress his chest. He cry out in pleasure, making me smirk.

He leaned back on the bed and shivered everytime my hand brushed against his nipples.

"I see you like that." I whispered, speeding up my pace, watching as he bit his lip trying not to make a sound.

I grabbed the lube and sat it beside me as he controlled his breaths. I gently, unbuttoned his pants and slowly took it off, exposing his bottom half.

"I'm going to prepare you, so the process won't be as difficult." I mumbled, slowly pulling down his underwear.

He covered his area, finding it embarrassing to be looked at. I smiled and slowly moved his hands, putting lube on my hands while doing so.

I gently kissed him, distracting him from me slowly inserting my finger. He moaned into the kiss, as he tighten his grip on the bed sheets.

I slowly begin to thrust my finger into him, kissing him down his chest while doing so.

He arched his back as I add a finger slowly getting him used to the weird feeling.

He moaned as he coughed from the fast breaths that he was taking. "That should be enough for now." I mumbled, slowly taking my fingers out of his hole.

"I-I'm ready.." He whispered, slowly looking up at me. I smirked and nodded, grabbing the lube.

I positioned us to where I could enter and took off my pants and underwear but before I could do anything he sat up.

"Condom." He strictly mumbled.

Bokuto's POV

Me and Akaashi sat in silence as Kuroo parents left the house. I looked over at him and he did the same.

"Could they be any louder?" Akaashi chuckled, as I laughed.

"I hope he wears a condom." I mumbled. Akaashi nodded.

"I don't want them to follow in our footsteps." He mumbled.

"But we knew then that we were both clean." I said.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean anything. I still don't like the feeling of you releasing in me." I cringed.

"Gladly, my pull out game is hard." I hummed, feeling confident in myself.

"Don't flatter yourself." Akaashi mumbled. I gasped and turned to him in shock.

"No, wait! I was joking, that was a joke!" He laughed, leaning on my shoulder.

I laughed with him and hummed. "Okay, but like..they are getting really loud, can we like..leave?" Akaashi cringed, standing up as I did the same.

"Let's go to the backyard." I mumbled, walking with Akaashi to the backdoor and heading out to the backyard.

We sat down on the chairs that were placed on my yard and sighed. "Well, they got their happy ending." I smiled, leaning back in relaxation.

"There's no such thing in a happy ending." Akaashi mumbled.

I turned to him in shock yet again. "Are you okay in there, Akaashi?" I asked, looking up as if I were talking to his brain.

He laughed and turned to me. "Nothing is perfect, sure Kuroo is happy and has nothing to worry about but, Kenma's mom is only going to jail for child abuse. The minimum sentence is 6 months, with no doubt, she'll be back," He sighed.

"I'm scared for Kenma. He might look fine on the outside, but he grew up knowing how to hide his feelings inside, you never know what he's thinking until it's too late." He mumbled.

I nodded, staring at him in awe. "I love you so much, Akaashi." I smiled, pulling him into a hug.

He smiled and hugged me back, resting his head on my shoulder.

"I love you too, Bokuto." He hummed.


Good chapter if I say so....😌✋🏽

And THANKFULLY there will be at least 2 more chapters until the end..

Until then, I apologize for scarring you guys in that KuroKen scene, I was really weirded out while writing it so it took a while.

ANYWAY bye now, I have a TON of homework to do..(Because SOME PEOPLE chooses to read a book every week)

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