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Kenma's POV

The bell rung, finally lunch time had come. I grab my bag from behind my chair before anyone could notice but sadly the two boys from earlier turned around, yet again. "Hey, Kenma, right?" Fukunaga asked, pointing at me.

I looked between him and Yamamoto before slowly nodding. "I told you he would get weirded out." Yamamoto whispered, a bit too loud. I bit my lip, looking out of the classroom.

If I don't go now, I won't be able to eat anything like last time....But if I leave now, the only two people who are nice to me in class will hate me....What should I do....

"Kenma, wanna come eat lunch with us?" Yamamoto asked, looking back at me. I freeze, not knowing what to do. They both stare at me, waiting for my response, when my phone buzz. I look down at it to see a text from Kuroo.

Hey, do you wanna eat lunch with me and my friends? -Kuroo

I look back up at them but only see one. "Hey! You know Kuroo!" Yamamoto shouted from behind me, making me flinch away from him.

"A l-little.." I whispered, slowly looking back at him.

"Hey, let's just go eat with him, come on." He smiled, grabbing my hand and fast walking out of the classroom with me and Fukunaga following closely behind him.


I slowly walk into the lunchroom as Yamamoto and Fukunaga walk to a table, shouting playfully at their friends. "Kenma!" I heard Kuroo shout, looking over to him he waves from the table. I walk over and he moves to the next seat, so that I could sit beside him.

"Oh! Kenma!" Lev smiled, waving at me. I gave him a small smile back and looked down at my hands.

"So, how have school been?" Lev asked, leaning over the table a bit. I thought about the bullying and everything else that has happened over the two days and came into a conclusion that I hate it here.

"Fine.." I mumbled, loud enough for everyone to hear. Kuroo nodded, drinking his soda. I look at him as he continue to look at me in my eyes.

This went on for a few seconds before Yamamoto cleared his throat, causing me to look away, not forgetting to blush. "So, how do you guys know each other?" He asked, looking between Lev, Kuroo, and me.

"Oh, I met Kenma in the hallway when I was blocking him from getting to his locker...so I asked him to set a Volleyball for me...and that's when Kuroo bumped into us...Oh! Guess what?" Lev asked, the other two boys.

"What?" Fukunaga asked, really intrested in the topic of us.

"Kuroo and Kenma have a deal." Lev smirked, wiggling his eyebrows weirdly.

"Ohhh~ What kind of bet?" Yamamoto asked, winking at me as Kuroo rolled his eyes playfully.

"Whoever gets a higher score on the math test tomorrow decides if Kenma gets to be our new setter, isn't that amazing?" Lev smiled, looking at me for me to join in on his smiling but I just nodded giving him the best small smile that I could manage to get out.

The other two suddenly sigh and shake their heads in disappointment. "What's wrong? You don't want Kenma to be our new setter or something?" Lev frowned, suddenly becoming serious in a scary way.

"No, it's not that but..Why'd it have to be a math test, itsn't it obvious who is going to lose?" Fukunaga asked, as we all look at Kuroo in sync.

He shakes his head and pulled out his homework. "Look at this, I got a 89.9 on my Homework yesterday, in my opinion that's the highest you can go." He hummed, with a sly smirk on his face.

They all look at me, wanting me to show my score. I slowly pulled out my binder and opened to the page that showed 95.9. Kuroo snatched the paper to look at it closely. "How did you get higher than me?!" He shouted, looking back at me.

I shrugged and looked back at my papers. "He did get the answer correct in our science class today." Yamamoto mumbled. I blushed, letting hair fall down in front of my face out of embarssment.

Kuroo sighed, and put my homework back into my binder. "That's okay, because our math test are different, so that isn't fair." He mumbled, crossing his arms.

He's pouting.....It's kind of cute....

"That's okay, let's just combine them into our own math test, and meet after school in the gym. All of the members are gonna be there, so I'll text the group chat." Lev smiled, pulling out his phone and typing away.

After a few minutes, everybody's phone chimed but mine, making them all look at the message. "You didn't have to add so many emojis." I heard someone mumble from behind me. Flinching and turning around, I see a short boy staring at Lev.

He looked down at me and stared for a while, with his dagger stabbing eyes. Everyone looked at us as I continued to stare back at him. He frowned, staring harder into my soul as I calmly looked inbetween his two eyes.

Finally blinking, he sigh and sit down on the other side of me. "So, is this the Kenma guy that you were talking about?" He asked, looking at Lev.

"Yeah, he might be our new setter, so be nice to him, and cheer him on by coming to the gym after school tomorrow." Lev sighed, resting his head on his hand.

"But, I don't wanna, I mean...You know I have a life outside of Volleyball, right?" He mumbled, glancing at me before looking back at Lev.

"Yaku, come on....Please...? For me?" Lev pouted.

That's the first....This guy, Yaku..seems like the type to reject the rejected....

"Fine, but ONLY if he wins. I don't want to go from door to door again, asking people if they have sons that plays Volleyball...It's so embarassing." He sighed, glaring at Kuroo.

"Sorry, but we really needed one.." He sighed, looking at me. I looked at my hands as I secretly traced the nail prints with my fingers.

I have to win this.....I can't be embarassed anymore....I can't be the center of attention, it will only hurt the team.....

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