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Kenma's POV

I waited for Kuroo at our table that he ordered for us as he goes to the restroom.

Slowly looking at the mysterious bag that he got from the arcade, I decide if I want to look at it or not.

No...He said it was a surprise so I can't ruin it for him or myself.

I sighed and sipped my lemonade from the cup. My phone beings to ring and I quickly pick it up, answering the phone.

"Hello?" I answered, with a lower voice.

"Hey, where are you?" I heard Kaede ask.

"I'm still out with Kuroo." I mumbled, looking over at the bathroom yet again.

"Okay, I was just checking in with you. Mom wants you home by 10." He said.

"Okay, I'll probably be home by then anyway." I mumbled, sipping on my cold drink yet again.

"Alrighty, see u when you get back." He mumbled, quickly hanging up the phone, just as Kuroo take his seat again.

"Who was that?" He asked, as I put my phone down on the seat.

"My brother, I have to be back by 10." I mumbled, as he rest his hands on the table.

"Okay, then. We have about......one hour to eat." He chuckled, opening the menu.

"Right." I nodded, doing the same thing.

All of these foods are so....rich-like. I can't pay for this and I don't want Kuroo to pay for everything even if he has money...

This is humiliating...

"Are you two ready to order?" A lady ask as she walked up to the table.

"Yes, I would like the Chicken Alfredo Honors meal, with steam broccoli on the side with a hit of oregano," He mumbled.

He looked over at me and I quickly looked down at the menu. "U-Uh, could I just get a burger?" I shuddered, slowly looking up at lady.

"Oh yeah, of course. Is there anything you'd like to take off?" She asked.

"Just the vegetables." I mumbled. She nodded and walked away.

"So, you don't like vegetables, I see." Kuroo smirked, drinking his water.

"Not really, I stopped eating them 2 years ago, I never really liked it to begin with, anyway." I mumbled, zipping up my jacket a little.

"You are definitely eating some of my broccoli." He smiled, shaking his head.

"No, I won't. Believe it or not but I actually have a allergy, so I can't eat it." I mumbled, trying my hardest not to smile.

"Yeah, right." He chuckled, rolling his eyes playfully. I smiled and stared at him as he did the same for me.

After a few seconds of silence we both look away. I uncontrollably blush as he clear his throat.

"Here you are, one burger meal and Alfredo meal." The lady smiled as she sat our plates down.

"Thank you." Kuroo smiled as she walked away.

Immediately, he put three pieces of broccoli on my plate, not giving me time to say anything against it.

I frowned and moved it so that it wouldn't touch my broccoli." You're supposed to eat it by the way." He mumbled, eyeing me.

I smiled and slowly put the broccoli up to my mouth. He stared and smiled as I slowly bite into it.

I frowned as I slowly chew it. "Isn't it good?" He asked, smirking while doing so.

"No." I mumbled, finally swallowing it. He laughed and start to eat.

"So....how do you like Volleyball so far?" He asked, trying to make conversation.

"I mean, it seems pretty fun. I liked the feeling of winning, I guess." I mumbled, biting into my burger.

He nodded and finished chewing his food. "So, you like the feeling of winning. Is that all?" He asked, clearing his throat.

"I like how you guys have fun." I mumbled, slowly chewing my food.

"So, far...all of your reasons to liking Volleyball is about us or winning...what do you like about it, are you having fun?" He asked.

I got quiet as I swallow the last of the food that was in my mouth. "I'm happy when you are happy, when you are having fun then I am having fun." I smiled.

Kuroo smiled at me and chuckled, nodding his head. "Okay~, to hear that coming out of your mouth is so weird." He smiled.

I shook my head and bit into the steamed broccoli. "That's right, I thought you were just gonna leave it hanging there." He smirked, drinking his water.

"Oh no~ I could never do that~" I pouted quietly, smiling back at him.

He shook his head and sighed as he ate another mouth full of pasta.

"Mm." He hummed, quickly finishing his food that was stuffed in his mouth.

I looked at him and nodded, waiting on his to finish. "Do you wanna take this to go? It's nearly 9 and it takes 30 minutes to get you home." He asked.

"Yeah, I can." I nodded. He did the same and raised his hand, for someone to come.

"Did you want your check?" The waiter asked, walking up to us.

"Yes, tha k you." Kuroo smiled, as she put down two to go plates, just in case we wanted to use them.

"I have to go use the restroom." I mumbled, slowly getting up from the seat.

"Go ahead, I'll put the food up and pay." He mumbled. I nodded and made way to the bathroom.

Kuroo's POV

"How much?" I asked.

"65.14." The cashier smiled. I nodded and gave her my card. Looking around, I spot out a apple pie on the menu.

"Sorry, could I get one of those?" I asked, she nodded and added the price to the bill.

"Just letting you know, it's going to be 69.56." She mumbled, swiping the card again.

"It's okay." I mumbled.

"And, did you want that warmed?" She asked.

"Uh...sure." I smiled, watching as Kenma walked out of the bathroom doors.

"Okay, here you go and your pie will be out in a second." She smiled.

"What pie?" He asked, making it over to my side.

"I got you an apple pie." I smiled.

"Really?" He immediately smiled. I raised my eyebrows in shock and he cleared his throat.

"I mean...you didn't have to." He mumbled, looking away.

"You're welcome." I smiled, getting the apple pie from the counter.

"Shall we go, then?" He asked. I nodded and smiled at him as he did the same.

Okayyyyy, that's a done dealllll

Now.....I have to do my homework and the new chapter for Losing ties...UNTIL THEN....


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