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(P.S This is literally just a Kuroo Chapter..I was like TOO lazy to do Kenma..My baby got TOO much going on..😌)

Kuroo's POV

"I'm surprised you even dared to call me, dad." I smirked, sitting down on my sofa.

"Son, don't be like that. You know why I called you." He sighed through the phone.

"Did you talk to mom again?" I asked, glancing upstairs to where her room was.

"Yes, me and your mother decided that it would be best for you to come live with me since I am more well off then she is, so you could have a better education experience." He mumbled.

I stood up and put the phone on speaker. "Live with you?! No!" I shouted, throwing my phone on the table.

"Kuroo, don't be like that. We've already went over this, your education is the most important of your life, it shouldn't be wasted on this low level school." He sighed.

I opened my mouth but closed it back when the front door opened, revealing my mother coming in with groceries.

"I'll call you later, I'm gonna talk with mom." I whispered, grabbing the phone and hanging up.

"What's wrong, baby?" She hummed, taking out the vegetables.

"Did you really just ask me that?" I frowned, sitting down at the island.

She looked up from washing her hands and smiled softly. "I'm serious, what's wrong?" She giggled, grabbing the bell peppers to wash.

"You and dad already agreed on me staying with him?" I glared. She paused for a moment before turning off the sink and facing me.

"Honey, you already know how bad I'm doing with my job and the school out there is really good, you'll like it." She sighed.

"Mom, do you not see why I'm so heated right now?" I asked, leaning on the plates that she stacked there.

"No, you have new opportunities there and you obviously don't have to worry about your dad not being able to maintain his schedule with his bills and rent." She shrugged, turning back around to resume rinsing the peppers.

"Mom, I am literally the captain of my team, I can't leave." I glared. She shook her head and sat the peppers to the side.

"Your team isn't as important as your future." She sighed. I furrowed my eyebrows unconsciously and stood up from my seat.

"They ARE my future, mom. I want to play Volleyball, not work in a office while answering calls about building buildings and cutting down trees, that's not me, that's dad." I mumbled.

"Kuroo, sweetie. I'm sorry, but even if you want to do that, you'd have a better chance there." She softly smiled, shrugging her shoulders.

"I'm not going mom." I sighed. She looked at me for a while before slowly frowning.

"You have no choice, Kuroo. I'm doing this for your own good." She said, staring at me.

"I don't care, I told my team-"

"You're going, end of discussion." She harshly glared, grabbing the onions and sitting them down on the counter.

I shook my head in disbelief and harshly grabbed my phone, walking to the front door.

"Where are you going?" She asked, turning to me quickly.

"To Bokuto's." I mumbled, opening the door and walking out.

"What about dinner, are you going to-"

"I'll pick something up." I sighed, closing the door behind me.

Akaashi's POV
(Omg yall finally, I put Akaashi in the mix😩🤌🏼)

"And then she said 'End of Discussion' like, what if I wasn't done?" Kuroo scuffed, as he ranted on about his family drama with Bokuto.

"Oh my god, so you're going to live with your dad, now?" Bokuto gasped, covering his mouth.

"I have no choice!" Kuroo groaned. I turned away from them and continued doing my homework.

"Akaashiiii, Kuroo bro is gonna leave againnnnnn~" He whined, leaning back in his seat to look at me, who was sitting down at the kitchen table.

"I heard, Bokuto-san." I softly nodded, looking up from the laptop screen. Kuroo sighed and sat up to look at me.

"Akaashi, how do I even tell Kitt- I mean Kenma?" He frowned. I sighed and hummed in thought.

I don't even remember the last time we all hung out together..hmm..I kinda miss the old days..

"Why are you asking me?" I mumbled, shutting my laptop just a little.

"Because, you guys knew each other WAY longer than I knew him." He said in a 'Duh' tone.

"And how long have you known him?" I questioned. He paused and frowned.

"Oh my god..." He gasped, looking at Bokuto as he looked back at him.

"What, what? Tell me!" He whispered, leaning closer to him.

"We literally only knew each other for like...a week." He whispered. Bokuto gasped as I frowned. Kuroo gasped and and covered his mouth.

"Oh my god, we already kissed...are we moving too fast?" He whispered, looking between us two.

I sighed and shook my head. "If you guys already kissed then, I think you telling him wouldn't be so hard." I mumbled.

"What do you mean 'Wouldn't be so hard'?! I literally promised him that I'd stay by his side!" He freaked, covering his mouth.

"Why'd you do something that?" I mumbled, tilting my head in confusion.

"Well, Kaashi, I told you the same thing."   Bokuto mumbled.

"After knowing me for over a month." I commented.

"Oh, yeah..Right." He whispered, turning back to Kuroo.

"Not helping." Kuroo groaned, falling back on the sofa.

"Just invite him, bro." Bokuto shrugged, giving Kuroo a pat on the shoulder for support.

"Well...That's the problem." He nervously laughed. I frowned and continued to listen.

"He uh...Should actually be at the hospital by now." He whispered, enough for us to hear.

"What?! Why?!" I asked, standing up in my seat, causing them both to look at me dumbfounded.

I closed my mouth and slowly sat back down. "Uh..that's not my business to tell but something along the lines of a blood transfusion." Kuroo mumbled.

"Is he okay?" I frowned, causing Bokuto to do the same.

"Yeah, he should be but...if I'm not here, he'll be back to square one." He sighed, covering his eyes in frustration.

I sighed and grabbed my phone. I put it up to my ear and wait until a voice was heard.

"Hello?" It rung from the other end. They both look up at me in confusion.

"Hey, Hinata. Could you get ahold of Kenma for me?" I asked.

"What are you-" I put my finger to my lips and Kuroo quickly groaned.

"Okay, thank you. Just tell him to call me. Okay, Bye now." I smiled and put the phone down.

"And that was for?"

"Oh, you need to tell him don't you?" I smirked, ignoring his protests about him being at the hospital.

But, if anyone who knew Kenma, knew Kenma like I did...
They'd know that Kenma wasn't at the hospital...
He'd rather endure it all before he gives someone another reason to be worried....
That's just how he functions...
I learned that the hard way....

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