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Kuroo's POV

After dropping Kenma off, I made my way home and quickly went up to my room, avoiding my mother. "Kuroo Tetsuro, get down here!" She shouted from the livingroom.

I sighed and slowly walked back down the stairs to see her standing in the middle of the floor with her arms crossed.

"Yes? Did I do something?" I sighed, stopping as I stepped from the last stair.

"Did you-Did you do something? Seriously Tetsuro?" She glared. I sighed yet again, and shrugged my shoulders.

"What's going on with you? You are getting here at almost 11 and your curfew is 10, you spent 160 dollars over the required budget..what's wrong, is this a phase or something?" She frowned.

"I went out with a friend, what did you expect me to do, go to Dollar Tree?" I mumbled, rolling my eyes and sighing.

"What was that? Please, do say it out loud for me to hear." She mumbled, giving me a fake smile.

"I said, what did you expect me to do?" I groaned, shifting my weight on my right leg.

"What has gotten into you? Is it the fact that you're moving to live with your dad, next month?" She helplessly asked.

"What?! It was in 3 months, why is it suddenly next month?" I frowned, raising my voice a little.

"Your father controls that, I have no say in when you go. But, that still doesn't mean you go on a spending rampage." She sighed.

"That doesn't even matter anymore, it wasn't your money. What matters is how I only have less than 2 weeks left here. Tell him that I don't want to go." I sighed, in frustration.

"I can't Kuroo, you and I both know that this is for your own good, you have more opportunities there than here." She mumbled.

"I don't care! I promised my team to stay beaide them, so that we could go to nationals together, I promised Kenma that I would protect him and stay by his side forever, don't you get it?!" I shouted, feeling the urge to break down in tears.

"Kenma..? Whatever, it doesn't matter. Kuroo, you can't let your friends limit your chances. They have a Volleyball team overseas so you can get on that team." She whispered, sitting her purse down on the sofa.

"No! I don't want to be on that trashy team! And what about Kenma, huh?! I'm  not breaking our promise!" I glared.

"This Kenma boy, he's the one you've been hanging around and spending your money on, right? What have he done for you?" She asked.

I got quiet, unable to answer her question. "Exactly, your promises to protect him and stay by his side are cute and all but haven't you just met him?" She frowned.

"That doesn't matter. He's different, I can't let him be by himself with that abusive mom, I promised to protect him, so that's what I'm going to do." I glared, standing my ground.

"Abusive Mom? Kuroo, what are you talking about? Is that boy getting abused?" She whispered, quickly covering her mouth.

I finally realized what I did and cursed myself.

If this is what it takes to protect Kenma then....I'll do whatever...

"His mother beats on him. I wanted to call the police but he stopped me, I was going to stay with him until he is ready to let her go." I whispered, looking down at the ground.

"Oh my god, hold on, let me call the police."She whispered, quickly picking up her phone.

"N-No, wait. Not now." I whispered, quickly grabbing her arm lightly.

"Kuroo, this isn't a matter for patience, he gets abused who knows when it'll really get out of hand." She glared, pulling her hand away and dialing the number.

"Shoot..I'm so sorry Kenma." I whispered to myself, pacing around the room.

"Where does he live?" She asked quietly.  I looked over to her and hesitated, biting my lip in nervousness.

"Kuroo Tetsuro, tell me now. This is protecting him." She sadly smiled at me.

I stared at her for a while before sighing in defeat.

Kenma's POV

I fell to the floor, trying my best not to make it noticeable that I was crying, since it would just make her more angry at me.

"Fucking bastard..." She chuckled, as she slowly walked up to me.

I covered my now bleed nose and slowly tried to get up from the floor. "You want more? Fine, I'll give you more." She laughed.

I felt a grip on my hair and suddenly I was being dragged from the livingroom to her room.

"P-Please...I'm s-sorr-"

"Shut up!" She yelled, throwing me against the wall in front of her. She closed the door and sighed in frustration.

"That boy will be the death of you, you know that?" She hummed, pulling my hair again, so that I could look at her.

"I-I'm sorry..." I whispered, trying to breathe through the blood that flooded my nose.

"Oh, shut up will you? Jesus, no wonder your father died. He was probably tired of you." She whispered.

"N-No...I-It was a accident.." I cried, finally breaking down in tears.

"Stop that...Spop crying all the time..you are just like you damn father.." She whispered, harshly slamming my head on the floor.

I cough, feeling overwhelmed with dizziness. She grabbed her purse and harshly hit me with it, making me groan in pain.

"I hate you so much. You should've died too, instead you stayed on this planet and ate my food and did nothing while I worked my ass off." She glared, hitting me with every word.

There was a banging on the door, causing her to freeze." What?!" She shouted.

"Mom, t-there's officers at the front door." I heard Kaede mumbled. I held my breath, as I lie down on the floor, letting tears freely roll down my face.

"Shit, you better be quiet." She cursed, throwing her purse down and fixing her hair.

She opened the door and pushed pass Kaede as he quickly ran to my side. "Oh my god.." He whispered, afraid to touch me.

I knew I had to look bad but I don't know how bad I actually look. But, from Kaede's reaction, he probably could barely recognize me.

He closed the door quickly and locked it, quickly making his way to the bathroom.

After a moment of my quiet sobs, he ran back in the room and slowly and gently lifted my head on his lap.

"Jesus, why did she that it this far?" He whispered, gently cleaning my nose.

"K-Kuroo..." I cried. He stopped and frowned.

"What?" He asked.

"G-Get Kuroo...." I whispered, slowly closing my eyes.

"No, Kenma stay awake. You can't rest right now." He said, shaking me gently.

I frowned at the pain I was in, only thinking about wanting it to end.

"Kenma, wake up." Kaede cursed as I slowly fell into my dreamland.

A chapter released...I kinda like this chapter....

Kuroo kinda going through a rebel phase and I'm here for it😌


Hope u enjoyeddddd

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