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Kuroo's POV

"Kenma...?" I asked, looking at him through the opening.

He froze, looking straight ahead. "Sorry..that scared you, right?" I smiled, moving hair from my face.

"You knew it was me?" He asked, finally look at me. I stare into his eyes and smile.

"Yeah..somehow." I chuckled, he nod and sigh.

"Shouldn't you be studying for the math test?" He asked. I lifted my eyebrow, amazed at his sentence.

"Shouldn't you?" I smirked.

"Well said.." He whispered. I watched as a small smile slowly made it's way onto his face.

He should smile more...

"I love your smile.." I smiled, staring at him.

He quickly covered his face with his hands as his ear starts to get bright red.

Shit..I didn't mean to say it out loud..

"Thank you..." He whispered, resting his head on his knees.

The bell rung, as students voices starts to pour in. "What's your next class subject?" I asked, as we both stand up.

He slowly opens the stall doors. I look at his face, analyzing it carefully.

Why was he crying..? It seems like he was crying a lot too....

"Japanese." He mumbled, blinking a few times to dry the tears that never made it's way down his face. I nod, smiling down at him.

"If you ever want to cry, call me okay? We can meet here everyday after class." I smiled, pulling out my phone and giving it to him.

"Y-You want me to...c-call you?" He asked, slowly taking my phone.

"Yeah, why not?" I chuckled. He stared at me for a while before slowly entering his number.

"What...should I save my name as..?" He whispered.

I stared at him for a while...thinking...

He has beautiful eyes, almost too beautiful...He is quiet and collected...just...like a cat..

I smiled and hummed. "Kitty."

Kenma's POV

"Kitty." He smiled. I looked up, unaware of how red my face was.

"Y-You want me to save me as K-Kitty?" I asked, he smiled and nodded.

"Sure, why not? You remind me of a cat." He smiled, looking at me. I blushed even harder, looking back at the phone, I try to hide my tomato red face as I type in what he had suggested.

I gave the phone back to him and he immediately put the phone back into his pocket. "A-Aren't you gonna check to see if I gave you the right number?" I asked, he stared at me for a while before smiling.

"No, I trust you." He simply said, reaching a hand out and gently putting a piece of hair behind my ear.

I look at the ground, blushing at his sudden movements. He chuckled and removed his hand, making me step back a little. "Let me walk you to class." He mumbled, not letting me get the chance to reject him and walked out of the bathroom.

After walking a few steps, he looked behind him to see me silently following. He smiled softly and grabbed my hand, making me quickly walk beside him. "Don't just walk behind me, It makes me feel like a bully." He smiled, as we begin to walk up the stairs.

"Sorry.." I whispered, looking away from him. I felt his eyes on me but I didn't dare look back at him. He chuckled, as I pointed down the hallway.

I looked down at our hands, as he still haven't let go, holding it gently. I felt butterflies in my stomach as I felt my cheeks heat up.

Why am I feeling like this? Blushing isn't something I do, and definatly isn't something that I wanted to do. But, Kuroo was making me feel this way. From yesterday night to now, I realized that I rarely ever felt like I should've been careful around him....

The only people who made me feel comfortable, is Hinata and Kaede.....

"Kenma..?" I heard Kuroo laugh, I finally look up from our hands, looking at him.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Is this it?" He asked, making me look at the classroom door, I quickly let go of his hand and take a step away from him.

"Yes, thank you." I whispered and quickly walk into the classroom, not looking back at him but sitting down at my desk, praying to go unnoticed the rest of the day...

But, unfortantely, that was nearly impossible. "Kenma? Could you answer number 8 for the class?" The teacher asked, making me slowly look up from my notes.

I avoided situations like these, expecially since this was a new school. Even at my old school, sure I was always on edge but the teacher had already known my situation and never called on me, I was even lucky when kids started to pretend as if I were invisible.

I slowly stand up and looked down at my notes. I already knew the answer but was afraid that somehow I would get it wrong. "U-Um..." I whispered, digging my nails into my palm unconsiously.

"Please answer more louder for the class, do you want to come up to the front to write it out for everyone so they could see how you sloved it?" The teacher asked.

Just tell them that the answer would be that the physics weren't going to end with a good outcome...Just tell them...answer the question..please...don't make it hard for yourself.

"I-I don't....It w-won't be a g-good result.." I whispered, closing my eyes, getting ready for the laughter to echo around the classroom.

"Correct!" He smiled, writing my answer down on the board. I quickly sit down as the class continues as if nothing happened. I take a deep breath, finally looking down at my right palm, seeing a bit of blood slowly making it's way out of the carvings that my nails had made.

Frowning, I rub the spots that hurt with my other hand. Suddenly, a student turns around and gives me a thumbs up with a smile. My eyes widen as I stare at him. "You did good!" He smiled, as another boy turn around.

"Yeah! I didn't even know the answer!" The ladder smiled.

"Fukunaga, you never know the answer to that question." The boy sighed.

"Hey! As if you do, Yamamoto!" The boy, Fukunaga whispered back, hitting the other boy, Yamamoto on the shoulder.

I look between them as the teacher threw chalk at them both. "Boys, would you both like to slove 9 together?" He asked.

"Huh?" They both ask at the same time.

"It does seem like the old married couple loves to bicker so why not bicker about who knows the answer?" He smirked.

"WE'RE NOT A COUPLE!" They both yelled, making me sigh as the rest of the class laugh and giggle.

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