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Kenma's POV

I stare at Hinata's message and sigh.

I haven't talked to Akaashi in over a year, we made it clear that we didn't want to see each other anymore.

I frowned but dialed the number that was given to me. "Wow, your number even changed." I heard Akaashi mumble.

I ignored his statement and sat down on my bed. "Did you want to talk about something." I asked.

"Yeah, Kuroo said you were at the hospital?" He mumbled.

I opened my mouth but closed it when I looked down at my bandaged arm that was now beginning to full with a tiny amount of blood.

"Y-Yeah.." I whispered, looking back up at the wall.

"Mhm...Kenma.." He started. There was shuffling for a while before the sound of a door closing.

"I know you're not at the Hospital." He sighed. I furrowed my eyebrows, cursing myself in mind.

"Don't tell Kuroo, please.." I whispered, fidgeting with my shirt.

"Kenma, go to the hospital. I'm guessing you're not going because you don't want people to worry but logically speaking, they would worry more if you don't go." He mumbled.

I remain silent for a while, thinking of what he said and finally sighed. "O-Okay.." I said.

"Go to the Hospital and after that come over, Kuroo has to tell you something." He mumbled.

"He does?" I asked, finding it weird that he didn't tell me while he was here.

"Yeah and it's important to him so, you can't stand him up. Meet us at school." He mumbled.

"Okay, I'll be there." I whispered, hanging up the phone. I looked down at my arm and sighed.

"I didn't want to do this because it'll only make her hit me again." I whispered to myself, forcing myself to get off the bed.

I grab my bag and slowly walk out of my room door and into the livingroom where Kaede was cooking.

"Where are you going? Dinners almost ready." He frowned, looking up from the pot.

"Oh...uh..I was just gonna go back to school, I left something in my locker, I'll be back for dinner." I mumbled, hiding my arm behind my back.

"Then, I'll drive you." He smiled, putting the mixing spoon down.

"No, it's fine. Bye." I whispered, quickly leaving the house to prevent him from still tagging along.

I sighed as I looking my wallet." I barely have any money with me." I sighed.

I harshly sighed as I call Hinata. "Kenma? Is something wrong?" He answered.

"Hinata...Are you busy?" I asked, slowly walking away from the house.

"No, me and Kageyama was just gonna walk around the neighborhood. Why? Did you want to go somewhere to talk?" He asked.

"Uh...do you mind driving me to the ATM.....and hospital...?" I frowned, scared of what he was going to say.

"Yeah, of course. Why do you need to go to the hospital, if you don't mind me asking?" He hummed.

"Oh..I got cut..I'm fine though, no need to worry." I nervously laughed.

"Oh..." He whispered." Okay, we'll be there in about 10 minutes, do you want to wait for us at the school or..."

"No, I'll send you my address." I mumbled.

"Okay, see you then. I'll call you later." He mumbled, hanging up the phone.

I quickly sent him my address and sat down on the sidewalk.

"Hey, you can get in the back." Hinata smiled, from the car. I nodded and quietly got in.

"Ready?" Kageyama asked, looking back at me, noticing my bleed arm.

"Oh, yeah." I whispered, covering my arm and turning away to the window.

He stared at me for a while before turning around. "Something wrong?" I heard Hinata whisper.

"Nope." Kageyama mumbled, starting the car and driving off.

"So, Kenma. You guys got lucky, did you celebrate your win?" Hinata asked, obviously trying to make conversation.

"Oh, yeah no..we didn't really get the chance to." I mumbled. I stole a glance at Hinata as he looked at Kageyama.

"So, uh..Kenma," Kageyama sighed, glancing at me through the mirror.

"Are you doing okay? How have you been?" He asked.

I knew what they were trying to do and I was thankful of them for worrying, but I didn't want the pity.

"If this is about that video, I'm fine. Kuroo already talked to me, so I'm better." I sighed.

Hinata turned to face me and smiled. "I know, Kenma. You're strong and I love you the best for that." He smiled.

I gave him a smile back as we continued to drive to the hospital.

Kuroo's POV

I paced in the garden of the school, as Bokuto and Akaashi sat down on the bench.

"What if he doesn't come?" I asked, turning to Bokuto and Akaashi.

"He'll come, bro. Chill." Bokuto smiled, staring at me.

"But, what if he doesn't. What if he thinks I'm disappointed in him?" I mumbled.

"He won't, I already talked to him." Akaashi sighed, resting his head on his hands.

"But, did he really tell you that he's coming?" I asked, shifting weight onto my other leg.

"Yeah, we've only been waiting for him for an hour, when I called him he was already at the hospital." Akaashi sighed again.

I finally sat down and sighed. There was shuffling before the door to the school opened.

I looked up to see Kenma, walking over to me. "Kenma, you came." I softly smiled, walking up to him.

"Yeah, sorry. I got held back." He whispered. I nodded as he looked over at the others.

"Oh, I wanted to talk to you about something." I whispered, making him look back at me.

"Right, did you want to...?" He pointed over by the well and I smiled.

"Yeah, of course." I smiled, as we both walk further from the other two.

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