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Kuroo's POV

I watched as Kenma walked out of his house, smiling at me.

He got in the car slowly and looked at me with a smile. "Ready?" I asked, he nodded and buckled his seatbelt.

I smiled and drove down the street, heading out to the local market.

"Where are we going?" He asked, looking over to me.

"To the market, there is a arcade there, it sounds like a lot of fun, so I wanted to go with you." I smiled, glancing over at him.

"The arcade, like games and stuff?" He asked. I nodded and slowly stop at the light.

"Yeah, Akaashi told me that you liked games a lot when you were young so, I thought you'd like them now." I mumbled, looking over to him.

"Yeah, I do like them. I don't really have a lot of time to play though." He whispered, looking down at his hands them back up to me.

"Ohh, well we're going to day, so you have a lot of time to play." I chuckled, starting to drive when the light turned green.

"Okay, we're here." I smiled, finally parking the car in the parking lot. He sighed in relief and unbuckled his seatbelt.

"It took you a while to park, didn't it?" He joked, smiling over at me.

"It's only because I don't have a blue pass for the private parking." I laughed, making him shake his head.

"You have a lot of money to spend." He mumbled as we both get out of the car.

"Yeah, and most of it comes from my father. I hate it but can you really hate money that much to let it go to waste?" I smiled.

"Yeah, you got a point. If I had the money, I would buy games." He laughed as we begin to walk into the main area of the market.

"I can also buy you games." I smiled, looking over at him as he did the same.

"Really? You don't have to." He smiled, looking down at the ground.

"I want to." I mumbled, smiling at his blushing.

He got quiet as he looked around, avoiding eye contact out of embarssment.

"Hey, come on. The arcade is right here." I chuckled, leading us into the building.

Kenma immediately looked around as I walked to the front desk. "How many?" The guys asked with a bored tone.

"Two, please." I mumbled, looking back at Kenma as he touched the trophy case filled with game sets.

"Could I also get a Netendo Switch?" I asked, looking back at him.

He sighed but added the item. "That would be....65.99 if you want a membership card but if not then it would be 78.74." He mumbled.

I took out my card and gave it to him." No, thank you. I'll pay the full price." I mumbled.

He lifted an eyebrow but nodded, swiping my card. "Thank you, please enjoy your time." He mumbled, giving me the cards and a bag for the Switch, not forgetting my card.

I turned back to Kenma as he continued to look at the games. "Kenma, what do you want to play first?" I asked, making him turn around to me.

"Can we play that one? It's been a while since I did." He mumbled.

"Yeah, of course!" I smiled sitting the bag down and swiping both of our cards to play.

He immediately started to clear the level, forgetting that the game was even two player.

"Kenma! Come help me, I'm stuck!" I laughed, trying my best to get the character from stuck on the net.

"Just hit the green button twice fast, it'll make him double jump." He mumbled, waiting on me to get to the checkpoint.

I did as he said and finally got from stuck. "Oh my god, why is this so hard?" I sighed, jumping over a bad guy.

"Here, let me." He smiled. I moved aside and watched as he focused on the game.

Smiling to myself, I lean on the table behind me, watching as he made it to the checkpoint.

You're good, when did you start playing games?" I asked, as he sat up from the game.

"I started playing when I was 10, but I stopped around 15." He smiled, turning around to me.

"Wanna play flappy bird or something?" I asked, grabbing the bag from the floor.

"You play flappy bird? How old are you 60?" He frowned, following me to the game.

"Woah! Donttell me you actually think flappy bird have a age preference." I gasped, turning to him.

He looked around before looking back at me, slowly nodding. I dramatically frowned and sighed.

"We literally HAVE to play before we leave this place." I smiled, quickly sitting  the bag back down beside me and swiping our cards.

"I haven't played this before." I mumbled, slowly putting his hand on the only button.

"Oh my god, your missing out, but not for long. All you have to do is keep pressing this button to keep the bird in the sky, and go through those long thingys." I smiled, starting the game for him.

After a few attempts at making it pass 6 levels, Kenma sighed in frustration and moved away from the screen.

"Tired?" I smirked, crossing my arms as strings of his hair fell in his face.

"And you think you can do better?" He asked, lifting his left eyebrow.

"No, I know I can do better, I'm the master of this game after all." I smirked, starting the game again, and playing with all my might.

He slowly walked up beside me and watched in silence as I pass level 10.

"Impossible." He whispered, looking between my hands and the screen.

Finally failing a level, I realize that I had been on level 35. "I didn't even realize I was this far." I smiled, looking at Kenma as he frown.

"Congrats, you finally have a game you are better than me in." He sighed, with a simple smile on his face.

I rolled my eyes playfully and shook my head. "Whatever, want to walk around some more before we eat?" I asked, watching as he grabbed the bag.

"Yeah." He smiled.

"O-Oh, I'll hold that bag for you." I quickly mumbled, grabbing the bag.

"Okay.." He whispered, giving me a weird look. I smiled and lead him pass a few games.


Okayyyy FINALLY I kinda don't like this chapter but it's good enough😀✋🏽

ALSO, I have released the first chapter of Losing Ties which you can find if you go to my account.


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