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Kenma's POV

I finished up with the remaining makeup that I put on my face and slowly walked out from the bathroom.

"You ready?" Kuroo asked, standing up from the bed. I nodded and sighed as I followed him out of the room.

"So, the first stop is Bokuto's place." He hummed. I frowned, looking at him in confusion.

"Oh, he wanted to come and see you, same with Akaashi. So, I invited them for extra support with telling my dad." He mumbled.

I nodded and looked back in front of me. "Feeling better?" He asked, looking at me before taking out his keys.

"Yeah, I'm still hurting here and there but it's not that bad. We have practice tomorrow also, so..." I hummed.

"We do, but we also want you to feel better before coming back." Kuroo smiled, looking at me again.

"It's okay, plus only my stomach is hurting, which is fine." I softly smiled, watching as we walked to the front desk.

"Excuse me, I'm checking out Kenma Kozume." Kuroo mumbled. The desk lady nodded and began to type away on the computer.

"You know, you need your stomach to play Volleyball too, right?" Kuroo smirked, turning back to me.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled as he filled out short paperwork that the lady gave him.

He gave it back and whispered her a 'Thank you'. "I know that, but it doesn't hurt that much." I sighed as we both walked out of the front doors.

"It doesn't hurt that much." He mocked, making me laugh. "You literally got hit with a freaking purse in the same spot, over and over again. I only need to look at it to know that it hurts." Kuroo sighed, unlocking the car as soon as we got close to it.

"And it does, but it isn't that bad." I mumbled, getting in and buckling myself up.

"If you are lying, Kenma.." He murmered, getting more serious. I turned to him and sighed.

"I'm not, see?" I mumbled, hitting my stomach harshly." It's just sore, nothing too serious. It was the hit to the head that made me have a blackout." I smiled.

He shook his head and laughed slightly, "sure..whatever you say...." He smiled.

Akaashi's POV

"Bokuto, calm down.." I sighed, watching as he paced around the room.

"But, hear me out..Kenma and Kuroo gets here, right" He said, turning to me quickly.

"Mhm." I hummed, resting a hand on my face to lean on it.

"Right, but Kuroo said that Kenma was beat up really badly....what if I see him and I cringe?" He asked, covering his mouth.

"He's not beat up that badly, I'm pretty sure it's just some bad sores..plus, he'll mostlikely wear makeup."

"Really?" He frowned. I nodded as he finally sat down beside me, just as a knock on the door was heard.

"I got it." I mumbled, quickly standing up and opening the door. Kuroo was standing there alone, there was no Kenma.

"Hey..? Where-Where's Kenma?" I asked, looking around hum.

"Jesus, he's still in the car, he left his phone." He mumbled, squeezing pass me.

I watched as Kenma shut the car door and walked to the door, avoiding eye contact.

"You okay?" Bokuto asked, suddenly appearing behind me. I quickly looked back at him and nodded, moving out of the way so Kenma could come in.

He slowly say down on the couch and watched as Kuroo poured him a cup of water.

"So..." Bokuto hummed, harshly sitting down on the floor as I softly sit on the edge of the couch.

"Right, I want to tell my father that I want to stay here." Kuroo mumbled, putting the cup in front of Kenma as he sat beside him.

"And you need us to do that?" I asked, lifting my eyebrow.

"Yeah, if I just do it with Kenma, he'll probably still say no, because my mom probably told him about us." He mumbled, looking at Kenma as he sipped on the water that was gave to him.

"Wait...so you guys are like...?" Bokuto slowly questioned, pointing at the both of them with his fingers before closing them together.

"Yeah, I think so.." Kuroo gently smiled, looking over at Kenma, who had been blushing softly while still holding the cup to his mouth to hide a returning smile.

"You think so??" Bokuto asked, smirking as I watched in silence.

"I mean, we already comfessed..and went on a date so.." Kuroo trailed off, staring at Kenma with a soft smile.

Kenma looked around the room, looking at everything but Kuroo out of embarssment.

"Jesus, Kuroo. Can't you see, you got him all flustered." I sighed, just barely missing the hit on his knee.

"Oh, right..Sorry." Kuroo smiled, looking back at Bokuto.

"Kenma, how about we go upstairs?" I asked, standing up. He lifted his eyebrows but nodded, also standing from his seat.

"Wait..The bottoms are leaving together...? How scary.." Bokuto whispered, very loudly.

I rolled my eyes playfully and lead Kenma up our stairs and into me and Bokuto's room.

"How long have you guys been together?" Kenma softly asked as he slowly closed the door.

I sat down on the floor and looked at our picture on the TV stand. "Uh...for a year and a half." I mumbled.

He nodded and sat down beside me, leaving a comfortable distance between us.

"He's weird, right? Bokuto, I mean." I smiled, looking over to him as he played with his fingers.

"Yeah, he's pretty weird." He chuckled.

"Yeah, but you'll be surprised when you see how weird Kuroo is with him." I laughed, he did the same and we both looked at each other.

(Should I do something mean....I'm gonna do something mean 😏)

Almost immediately, I smashed my lips against Kenma's as he did the same for me.

"I missed this.." I whispered as I slowly start to get closer to him. He hummed as he tangled his hands in my hair-

(Just kidding 🤣🤣🤣)

(Starting from before...)

"So, I heard about your mom." I whispered, slowly looking back at the floor.

"Oh...I'm guessing everyone probably did by now, right?" Kenma sadly smiled.

"No, Kuroo told us in a panic. We were really worried about you." I mumbled.

"Thanks, I guess." He sighed, picking at his thumbs as one of them starts to get red.

I quickly grab his hands, stopping him from actually drawing blood.

"I-I'm sorry...it's a habit.." He whispered, realizing what he was doing.

"No, it's fine. I get it."I frowned, letting his hands go slowly.

He sighed, and hugged his knees close to his chest. "I didn't want her to leave yet..I could help her..." He whispered.

I frowned and slowly moved closer to him. "I know you had hope, but it was getting too dangerous. Do you see what she did to you? If Kaede didn't come in at the time then...you could've.." I stopped, deciding not to say the next part of my response.

He went quiet and moved hair from his face. "You wanted to talk to me about this didn't you?" He sadly smiled.

"Of course, you know I know when you lie or hold something back." I smiled.

He laughed and as a tear escaped from his eye. I smiled and wiped it away, as he let more tears fall.

"Jesus, why am I crying so much?" He laughed, helping me wipe his face.

Because. You are still not ready to let her go....

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