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Kuroo's POV

We both sit down in silence as I try to figure out how to tell him. He looked over at me and frowned, and frowned even more when I didn't answer him.

"Kuroo? What's wrong?" He whispered, grabbing my hand. I sighed and lookedat at him while holding his hand back.

"Kenma, I'm moving." I mumbled. He stared at me for a while before smiling.

"That's great, to a new home, right? You can just tell me the address and I can help you-"

"I'm moving to different schools, a new house, all the way to LA." I whispered. I closed my eyes as it got quiet.

Slowly looking back at him, I frown from heartbreak to see him crying silently to himself.

"Y-You should be happy then." He whispered, wiping away the tears that fell down.

"I'm not though, I want to stay here with you and my team." I whispered, shaking my head in disbelief.

"When?" He simply asked, still not making eye contact with me.

"Soon, that's for sure." I mumbled, looking straight ahead. He nodded and bit his lip.

"Well, I-I won't stop you from l-leaving..." He whispered, finally looking up at me and smiling.

"Kenma...Just cry...I don't want you to go home and cry alone so just...cry here.." I whispered.

He slowly nodded, and leaned his head on my shoulder. There was quiet sobs and I looked down at him.

His hand covered his mouth as he cried softly. I sighed and pulled him into a hug, he quickly gripped my shirt, and dug his face into my neck.

I looked up to stop myself from crying as I softly caressed his hair. "I-I don't want you to leave me....I-I can't do this a-alone." He cried, holding me close to him.

"It's okay, it'll be okay." I whispered, as he slowly started to calm down.

After a while, he pulled back and wiped his face. "Feeling better?" I smiled, looking at him.

"Y-Yeah." He whispered, smiling back at me.

"Then, is it okay for me to tell you that I like you?" I asked. He smiled softly and looked at me.

"You do?" He frowned. I nodded, and grabbed his hand.

"I-I like you too..." He whispered, smiling gently at me.

"Okay...okay..then uh,, let me take you out on a date tomorrow." He smiled.

He nodded and looked down at our hands.

"Wanna stay over with me at Bokuto's place?" I asked, still holding his hand.

He looked down at his legs in thought but shortly looked back up at me. "I was supposed to come back home but I'll call to tell them that I'm staying with you." He whispered.

"Awesome." I smiled, as I stood up from the seat, earning a look from him.

"Come on." I whispered, pulling him up from the seat and bringing him over to the others who were waiting.

"You guys done?" Akaashi asked, looking between us both.

"Yeah, I told him." I mumbled, interlocking our fingers. I watched the blush on Kenma's face get more noticeable and I smiled.

"That's good, were you guys gonna sleep over tonight?" Bokuto asked, look at us.

"Yeah, we're gonna spend the night." I mumbled. Akaashi nodded, as he looked at Bokuto.

"Alright, then. You guys can ride with us if you'd like." Bokuto shrugged, standing up as Akaashi grabbed his keys.

I looked over at Kenma as he did the same for me. "Are you okay with that?" I asked.

He nodded and looked down at the ground. "Yeah, bro. Let's go." I smiled. We all slowly walked to the car.

I opened the door to let Kenma in and he stood there. "What's wrong?" I frowned.

"You're still holding my hand." He smiled.

"Oh!" I smiled, quickly letting his hand go. He smiled and got in the car, letting me do the same.

After buckling up, Akaashi started the car and begin to drive home.

Kenma's phone rung and we both look down at it. He frowned and slowly grabbed the phone.

Noticing his nervousness, I grabbed his hand as he picked up the phone. "H-Hello?" He answered, looking over at me.

His look changed to pure fear as his grasp on my hand tightened. "What's wrong?" I mouth, frowning.

"She came back? Is she drunk?" He asked, with a shaky voice. I frowned and traced circles on his hand, hoping that it would calm him down.

He let out a shaky breath as he closed his eyes. "She wants me to come back, right?" He whispered. he slowly nodded, finally looking back at me. "Okay, I'll be there in a few minutes." He whispered, hanging up the phone.

"What are you doing? Why are you going back?" I frowned, as he put his phone down on the seat.

"She wants me there, it's best to just get it over with, if I hold out it'll be a worst outcome." He whispered.

"What happened?" Bokuto asked as he turned to us.

"Kenma has to go home." I whispered, never breaking eye contact with Kenma. He sadly smiled as me as he grabbed my other hand.

"I'll be okay, she won't do anything if I just let her talk." He whispered, looking down at our hands.

"Kenma, I don't want you to be in danger. Can't you just call the police?" I whispered, ignoring Bokuto as he looked at us with a smile.

"Kuroo...that's out of the question.. I need her." He whispered.

"Why? You have me, you have Kaede, you won't be alone even if she does leave." I frowned.

"I know, but I have hope for her. After my father died, I always wanted her to get better, now that Kaede is here, it's possible now." He sighed.

I stared at him for a while before sighing. "Fine, but I'm coming with you." I mumbled, turning to Bokuto who was surprised at my sudden movements.

"Wait, no. You can't-"

"Either you're coming with me or I'm coming with you." I mumbled, looking back at him. Kenma sighed and nodded.

"So, are we making a stop at Kenma's house?" Akaashi asked, from the drivers seat.

"Yeah." Bokuto mumbled, turning back around in his seat.

"Hey, Bokuto." Akaashi mumbled, glancing over at him.

"Yeeeeesssss?" He smiled, turning to him.

"Why aren't you buckled up?" He glared, glancing over at him again. Bokuto opened his mouth but closed it again, deciding to just buckle up without a word.

I looked over at Kenma as he nervously looked out of the window. I pulled him over to me and he rested his head on my shoulder.

"You're safe with me, okay?" I whispered, in his ear. He nodded and closed his eyes. "You can take a nap, it'll be a while before we get there." I smiled, placing a kiss on his forehead.

You're safe with me....I can promise that....

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