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Kenma's POV

"You're safe with me..."
"I'll protect you..."
"I like you, Kenma..."


I opened my eyes to a white room surrounding me. Looking around I try to search for someone but no one was there not my mother not Kaede not even Kuroo.

Instead there were, thank you and get well cards and flowers on the desk beside me.

Reaching over to one of cards, preferably the blue one, I opened it and read it and it read..

' hey, Kenma...it's me, Hinata! I just wanted to make sure that you're okay. I heard the news. Me and Kageyama wanted to come but we couldn't because there was a game, I'll come as soon as possible!  love you, get well soon'

I smiled at the words that were on the gift card. I sat it to the side and picked up the pink one, this time it had a name on it.

'From Kuroo'

I smiled and opened it, reading the words on the card.

' hey I'm sorry I couldn't be there, I really wanted to but I was afraid to show my face around you. There's a lot I haven't told you since the other day. I want to say this face to face but I don't think I have the courage to, so I'm writing to you.'

I frowned and continued to read, not knowing what was going to happen next.

' I'm sorry I accidentally told my mom about, you know, how your mother beats you...when I said I was going to protect you I meant like this..'

I frowned, not understanding what was happening at this point.

' that day, when I asked you if that would still make you angry that I broke one promise but kept the other, you told me that it wouldn't have made you mad because I still kept a promise in the end... so I  promised you that I wouldn't tell the cops but I broke that promise I did but I broke it to protect you, which was my other promise.'

Finally realizing..I sat up and covered my mouth.

' me and Kaede had a talk about you and him and your mom and dad and we both came to a conclusion that I would be the one to call the cops.....I'm sorry about that and honestly, I had to do it because...... I love you and I can't lose you.'

' even if you do hate me after reading this, at least I saved you because don't know what I would have done if I saw your face any more damaged then it already was and when I came over last night, I regretted everything....leaving you there,not trying to convince you to sleep over, everything..'

' the truth is, I like you a lot and I would really hate myself more if I had just let you get hurt again and again even though I know the truth about your family. Your mother beats you and I couldn't just let it happen again so I told my mom...the  police came and they found you, your mother was taken into custody until further notice.'

'I'm not here because I might be writing my perspective of the whole situation. Kaede is getting questioned about it and honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if he'd be in trouble too. you don't have to write anything or any opinion or observation or your personal view on the whole situation if you don't want to, it's your choice.'

' if you need anything, call me, please and I'll be right there...I know it's nearly impossible for me to be there within 5 minutes but I'll try because that is a promise I made to you. They said that you would be fine after a few days with the injuries that you gotten from her and most likely you will be feeling dizzy and it's totally normal so there's nothing wrong with you so that's relief..'

' well, I  have to go because at this point I might as well be writing a 10-page essay.  so get well soon, after I get done I'm coming over. I'm going to come back so I'll see you when I do, Kenma..'

I sat the paper down and covered my mouth, feeling warm tears fall down my face.

"Thank you..." I whispered, closing my eyes tightly. The door slowly opened shocking me.

"Kenma, you're up." I heard, Kuroo whisper. I quickly sit up and stare at him as he got beside the bed.

"I'm so sorry...I didn't want to call-" I quickly pulled him into a hug and he immediately held me closer to his warmth.

I felt warm tears freely fall down my face as I pulled away from him. We stared at each other for a while before connecting our lips gently.

I wrapped my arms around his neck gently as I pulled him closer to me. He wrapped his hands around my waist as we both smile into the kiss.

We pull away and he carress my head." Kenma, let's run away together, let's both go to LA, to my new school, I have everything ready, we can be together." Kuroo smiled.

I frowned and sadly smiled." Kuroo, how could I ever let you do something like that for me, you haven't even asked your father and I haven't asked my- Kaede is here for me." I whispered.

"Kenma, I really don't mind, I-I love you and I know it's sudden but you're special to me and I don't want to lose you." He smiled.

I smiled back as I nodded. "Okay..I'll go." I smiled, hugging him tightly again. He laughed and did the same, afraid to let me go.

"Do I look bad?" I asked, showing him my face. He frowned and smiled.

"Of course not, you look beautiful, sure, you have some bruises and scratches here and there but you look fine." He smiled, caressing my cheek.

I leaned into his touch and hummed. "You're lying again." I joked, closing my eyes.

He laughed and sighed. "Fine, you look decent. It'll be heal in a week or so though." He sighed.

"Wait, what about the team?" I asked.

He paused and got quiet. "I don't know, I have to figure that out." He sighed, playing with my hair.

"How about, we both go and convince your father to let you stay here?" I mumbled.

"I mean, I can try." He cringed, looking up at me. I smiled and nodded, looking down at our hands.

"So, you love me now?" I joked.

"Stop it! It's embarrassing, I was caught up in the moment." He blushed.

"So, you don't?" I frowned playfully.

"No, I do-"

"So, You do love me-"

"Kenma!" He laughed, pulling me into another hug. I laughed and hugged him back.

This time, not planning on letting him go...

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