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Kenma's POV

I dropped my phone as I slowly fell to the floor. Covering my mouth, I quietly cried.

This can't be happening..not again...

Why is it always me who has to suffer? It always ends with me being the only one who is hurt.

I just want this all to end...I can't take it anymore..I'm tired..

I slowly crawl over to my bed and reached under my pillow, pulling out the blade from my razor.

I haven't done this in a while...

I stare at the blade as I slowly rest it on my skin gently.

Maybe if I slowly do it, the pain won't be so long...

I slowly cut into my skin, wincing as I pull the blade back up. I watched as blood spilled from the cut.

I need more...

I did it again, and again, and again...but I still felt the pain. I threw the blade in frustration as more tears fell from my eyes.

I quickly got up and harshly pushed my bathroom door open, grabbing onto the sink for support.

Turning on the sink, I put the stopper on the drain, watching as water filled up to the top.

Staring blankly as the sink overflowed, I let my hair fall down in my face.

I harshly put my head underwater, holding my breath. I felt myself wanting air but I didn't budge.

I tighten my grip on the edges of the sink as I tightly shut my eyes.

I pull back and gasp for air, coughing in the process.

I can't do it..I can't...

I fell to the floor as I begin to cry harder, knowing that I couldn't do it even if I tried.

I covered my mouth and cried into my knees, ignoring my hair as it stuck to my face. "Kenma!" I heard a voice call out from my room.

I choose to ignore it and continued to cry. "Kenma, it's me! Open the window!"


I slowly sat up and peeked out of the bathroom. "Kenma, please..." I heard him whisper.

"K-Kuroo..." I whispered, crawling out of the bathroom and to my window.

I don't want him to see me like this...

I slowly unlocked the window and opened it. He climbed up and paused at the sight of me.

I looked away and covered my wrist that started to ache, even though I was sure that he'd already seen it. "Oh my god.." He whispered, quickly running into the bathroom.

There was silence before the faucet turned off and he came back out with the first aid kit in his hand.

He slowly grabbed my arm and looked back at me. "Kenma, does anyone else know about this?" He asked.

I shook my head, avoiding eye contact with him. He sighed and opened a alcohol wipe.

"This might hurt." He whispered, gently placing it on my wounds.

I frowned at the pain but continued to stare at my arm. After cleaning it, he wrapped it up in gauze and sat my arm down.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know how you were feeling." He whispered after a few minutes of silence.

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