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Kenma's POV

I walked into the classroom, making sure to not make any type of eye contact with anyone.

"Kenma!" I heard someone whisper from the front of the classroom. I look up to see Fukunaga in the doorway.

He waved for me to come to him. I slowly get up and walk up to him. "Meet me in the school garden during lunch." He whispered, then ran off.

I frowned but quickly walked back to my seat, ignoring the giggles and laughs from students who found it funny to make fun of my appearance.

"Okay class, we will be skipping the next two lessons today." She smiled, looking down at her work book.

After class ended, the next class went by fast, soon, it was lunch time and I was on my way to the garden.

Slowly stepping foot into the grass, I look around to see no one there. "Fukunaga?" I mumbled, stopping at the center of the garden.

"Congratulations!" I heard people scream from the top of their lungs behind me, making me flinch in surprise.

"Huh?" I whispered, looking at the Nekoma team members, holding balloons and treats in their hands.

"Strangely, you were around two points behind Kuroo on the test, so...You lost AND you have to join the team!" Yamamoto smiled.

I looked around but Kuroo wasn't there, I gave them a soft smile and they cheer a bit more before setting the picnic tables with treats.

I distance myself from them all and sigh. "Hey, sorry I'm late." Kuroo whispered. I looked to my left to see him, resting his hands behind his back comfortablely.

"No, it's okay." I mumbled, shaking my head.

"I wanted to surprise you..." He sighed taking a long, small box from behind his back and opening it.

"With this." He smiled, showing me a necklace that read 'Kitten'

I looked back up at him with widened eyes, amazed at what he bought.

"Kuroo, you didn't have to buy this for me..." I whispered, looking back at the necklace.

"I wanted to, plus..I always buy things for very special people to me." He smiled, shifting the box towards me.

So...This isn't a unusual thing that he does...Got it...

I sighed and looked back at him. He noticed the disappointment in my eyes that I quickly replaced with a blank expression.

"Can I tell you a secret?" He asked, looking at the team members talk and laugh.

"Yeah?" I answered, raising my eyebrow in confusing.

"Do you wanna know how many special people I have?" He asked, looking over at me with a smirk.

"I-I guess." I whispered, looking down at my hands.

"Around...four people." He thought, still watching me.

I shockingly look back at him and he smiled. "Four people? Who are they?" I asked.

"Mm...My bestfriend, my mother, my brother, my team, and you." He mumbled.

"That's five people." I mumbled, still amazed that I was in that too.

"I figured I would include the person who got me here in the first place. It wouldn't be fair for me to just disown my brothers importance to me." He mumbled.

"Well..." I whispered, not sure of what to say.

"Hey, follow me." He smiled, grabbing my wrist gently and pulling me away from the crowd and beside a tree.

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