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Should this be a Q/A????

IDK I'll just tell you about myself first....

Okay....SO...My name is Kamyah...(That doesn't matter)

I am 14 and my birthday is December 6. (SAGITTARIUS FOR THE WIN)

I am a new anime watcher...idk...I think at least.

I started watching Haikyuu this year and Kenma is my favorite character.

what elsee....hmm....

I am writing kpop books too, you can easily find them on my account. I never actually imagined myself writing books on anime characters but here I am..


I am the type of person that ALWAYS have book ideas in my mind and honestly....

I can never stay with one book for too long, I'd always create another book and would go back a fourth with them with publishing chapters.


I was wondering if you guys would want another KUROKEN book, honestly of doesn't have to be KUROKEN but honestly speaking, I AM more comfortable with them than ant others but....

if you guys want something else, don't be afraid to comment on it, and I'll see....


What do you guys think about the characters...

I decided to put Hinata, Bokuto, and Akaashi as the supporting character since they are the closet to the main two. I was thinking about expanding the main characters...

meaning, I was thinking about making them side characters with their own lives or sum, just in case you guys are getting tired of Kuroo and Kenma all the time....But that's also your choice, so let me know...

I'm gonna go now, bc I'm hungry and am dying for some chicken right now...


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