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Hinata's POV

"OH MY GODD!" I squealed, as our bus pull up to Nekoma.

"Jesus, Hinata...One more time and I will literally sew your lips together." Kageyama groaned, holding his ear.

I didn't even get the chance to look at Kageyama because I saw Kenma walking with a guy.

I quickly rolled down the window and yelled from the top of my lungs. "KENMA!" I smiled, as he quickly look over to me.

He gave me a small smile and walked over. "Oh my gosh, hi Kenma! How have you been, are you healthy, did you ever get that high score on that game of yours?!" I asked, almost hanging out of the window.

"I-I don't even know what you're saying.." Kenma mumbled, looking at me with a smile.

"Hinata, I love you dearly but...sometimes you're too hyper for your own good." Kageyama sighed, as Sugawara dragged me back in the bus.

"That was the first time you've said that you loved him." Noya sneakered, as him and Tanaka giggled in sync.

I smiled to myself and continued out of the bus and over to Kenma. "So, where were you heading to?" I asked, looking at him with the brightest smile.

"Kenma, I'll be in the gym." The guy smiled, looking at him.

"O-Oh, it's okay..." Kenma whispered.

"What's- Nevermind, Bye!" The guy smiled, jogging away.

I frowned and turned back to Kenma who had been looking at my team the whole time.

"Kenmaaaa, are you going to show us around?" I smiled, as the rest of the team get off the bus.

"O-Oh, uh..I don't really-"

"Kenma." I heard someone mumbled from behind us. I turned around to see Kaede.

"Oh? Kaede, it's been a while." I smiled, as he looked down at me.

"Oh, uh...give me a moment.." He whispered, thinking to himself. "Oh, Hina..Hinata, right?" He smirked.

I nodded as Daichi put his and Sugawara's bags down.

Kenma's POV

Stop it. Stop talking to him like you guys are close...you're making it seem like 2 years ago all over again....

Me, Hinata, you, and Akaashi....I hate it...

You left me...so, just stay away from my life...I don't need you...

"Hellooooo, Earth to Kenmaaa~" I heard Hinata hum as he waved his hand in front of my face.

I blinked and raised my eyebrows. "Where is the gym???" He asked.

"Oh, i-it's this way.." I whispered, as I begin to walk to the direction of the gym.

"Guys! They're here!" Fukunaga smiled, as I walk into the gym.

"Ah, Kenma. I was looking for you, can we talk?" Kuroo asked. I nodded and signaled Hinata to go on ahead.

We both walked around the corner for privacy. I stared at him in confusion before he grabbed my hand.

He looked at my lips and gently connected them, shocking me in the process.

Pulling back, he smiled. "You got this." He whispered, smiling brightly at me. I softly smiled and nodded.

"I haven't even practiced with you guys as a team member yet, though." I mumbled.

He shook his head and sighed. "That doesn't matter, what matters is trust. We all trust that you got this." He smiled, moving my hair from my face.

I stared at him for a while before nodding. "Okay." I sighed. He smiled at me before placing a kiss on my forehead.

I blushed and looked down at our hands. "Hey, can I s-sleep over again?" I asked, nervous of his response.

"Of course, either that or I'm sleeping over." He whispered, lifting my chin for me to look at him.

He lean in for another kiss but was cut off by a five minute warning from the referee.

"Come on, let's win this game." He smiled, letting go of my hand and walking back into the main room.

I sighed and followed him. Slowly walking onto the court, I look over the net to see Hinata's team, warming up.

"Hey, Kenma. I know you don't really know our plays but, try to do it randomized, that way they have no idea what to do, okay?" Yaku whispered, from off the court.

I nodded and closed my eyes, knowing that I was nervous.

If I mess this up, they all will hate me.. the first game of the year and they lost because of me...

Kaede will definitely make me feel worse, why wouldn't he?  Okay...Kuroo said that he trust me...

He trust me, but what if I break that trust....

"Kenma, it's okay." I heard Kuroo whispered, as he rested a hand on my shoulder.

I only just realized that my breathing was faster than before. "K-Kuroo, I don't think that I-I can do this.."I whispered, as I  start to tear up.

"Kenma, listen to me. You got this, I'll be right here to catch your tosses." He whispered.

I nodded and bit my lip. "Okay..." I whispered, as the game started.

"Nishinoya!" Hinata shouted as he watched. Noya ran and saved the ball, making it go back into he air.

"Chance ball!" Another team member shouted as they hit it to our side of the net.

"Fukunaga!" Lev shouted.

"I got it!" Fukunaga smirked, as he hit it towards me.

Randomize it....Who to hit it to....

I look between, Kuroo and Fukunaga as they both run up towards the net.

I sighed and pass it to Kuroo, he harshly spiked the ball, watching it land into the inner court.

He smiled and looked over to me. "Jesus, I could barely see you pass it over to me." He smiled, giving  me a high five.

I smiled back as the Karasuno team glared at us.

This is getting heated fast....and I don't know who will win this...

"Last point, we're tied and only need one more point to call it a win. Any ideas on how to get it?" Our captain asked, looking around.

"U-Uh..We could try to block off Hinata's vision." I mumbled, making everyone turn to me.

"How is that?" Kuroo asked, as everyone else stared in confusion.

"He has his eyes on the ball, let's try to pass the ball to each other as fast as we can, that way, he won't have any idea as to when the ball is coming his way." I mumbled.

They all look at each other and slowly nodded. "But, how is that supposed to block his vision?" Yamamoto asked.

"We need someone to stay with him, someone who will get is attention." I whispered.

"I got this!" Kai smiled, giving us a thumbs up.

We all nodded and went back on court. "That's a new play, I see." Tanaka smirked as he watched us all.

"Same here." Fukunaga smirked back.
I frown and look as most of the team members had their eyes on me.

Somethings off....they must know something about me...

And I know who told them..

I looked at Hinata as he and Kageyama looked my way.

What did you tell them...?

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