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Kenma's POV

4 month's later...

I opened my eyes and yawned, slowly sitting up in my bed. There was a slight smell of pancakes coming from the kitchen.

I got up and made my way into the main room to see a unfamiliar figure in the kitchen.

He turned around and I chuckled, trying notto laugh at him. "What? What's so freaking funny, now?" Kaede asked, crossing his arms.

"What's with the new haircut?" I smirked. He frowned and messed around with his now shorter, burgundy hair.

"What do you mean? It looks really good?" He mumbled.

"Ew, don't lie to yourself." I cringed, walking into the kitchen and looking at the plate of pancakes.

"Is Kuroo coming over? Or is he too busy on Christmas day to hang out with his boyfriend?" He hummed.

I looked over at him and rolled my eyes. "He's not coming over, Hinata invited us to a Christmas party his team is having. They decided to invite some teams." I mumbled, grabbing the empty plate that he told me to hold.

"Wow, and I'm not invited?" He asked, putting two pancakes on the plate.

"Why would you be invited? Key words are team, Christmas and party." I whispered, as he turned the stove off.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." He mumbled, grabbing his plate.

"Is he at least picking you up?" He asked, sitting down at the table, and picking up his fork.

"Yeah, he should be here soon." I mumbled.

"Then, shouldn't you be getting dressed?" He asked. I paused then closed my mouth, silently walking back into my room with the plate of pancakes.

I closed the door and sat the plate down on my bed. "What should I wear..?" I hummed, opening my closet.

Just because this is the last chapter, I'm gonna provide outfits just because😌✋🏽

Just because this is the last chapter, I'm gonna provide outfits just because😌✋🏽

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I put on my clothes and took a bite out of my pancake when the doorbell rung.

I quickly grabbed the plate and put it in my trash, opening my door and walking out into the livingroom to answer the door.

I opened it, revealing Kuroo, standing there with a smile automatically stamped on his face.

I smiled andlooked at his outfit.

I smiled andlooked at his outfit

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