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Akaashi's POV

I finish eating my piece of toast as my phone buzz for the tenth time. Picking it up and checking my messages, I sigh as I see them.


Kaashi, are you up? -Bokuto-san

Kaashiii, I'm outsideeee- Bokuto-san

Are you up????- Bokuto-san

Hellloooooo- Bokuto-san

Sorry, I'm coming out now.- Me

I put my phone in my pocket and open the front door, revealing Bokuto standing there. "Where you waiting long?" I asked, locking the door as we both begin to walk down the street.

"No, not long. Even if it was long, I wouldn't mind because it's you." He smiled, looking over at me. I decided to not looking at him and smiled.

"Bokuto-san?" I mumbled, as we slowly approached the school that was just a few blocks down from my house.

"Yes?" He asked, not looking away from me even once.

"How is your friend doing?" I asked, looking over at him. He raised an eyebrow and smiled.

"Kuroo? He's doing good, his brother came back but you know how that goes." He mumbled, looking ahead of us.

"Oh...Did they finally find a new setter though?" I asked, watching the trees flow in the wind.

"OH YEAH! He found him WHILE he was on the phone with ME!" He shouted, suddenly jumping up and down which had scared me a little. I smiled and shook my head as we both walk in the school building.

"Really? Have you met him yet?" I asked, as we both stop at our lockers.

"No, but I heard from a friend from their school that he is beautiful, almost like a girl." He mumbled, thinking to himself.

"That's cool, what's his name?" I asked, putting my shoes that I took off in the locker and putting on other ones.

"Something like Kenna or Kemma..." He mumbled, tying his shoelace. I frowned at the unusual name but shrugged.

"Okay, I'm going to go to class, see you after school." I mumbled, walking off in a different direction than Bokuto-san.

I step out of the classroom and into the hallway, as I look at my phone messages.

Hey, Kenma got on a Volleyball team! -Hinata

Did he? -Me

Well, probably..They made a bet about it but he never texted me back.....😔- Hinata

Really? That's weird of him not to text you back. -Me

But, I'm sure he had a reason for not texting me 😁-Hinata

Yeah, what school was he going to again? -Me

Nekoma, the one in Japan -Hinata

Oh, the one with one of the best Volleyball team? -Me

Yeah!- Hinata

Oh...Okay- Me

Yeah, we wanted to visit today to practice, Daichi already contacted their coach about it. -Hinata

Really, I guess I might be able to come over to watch then.. -Me

Great! I'll text you later, I might get in trouble for skipping again😅 -Hinata

Okay, bye- Me

Bye! 😀-Hinata
"So, that's what he was talking about." I chuckled, walking off to my next class.

Kenma's POV

I open my eyes and immedately look around for Kuroo but he was nowhere to be found. I slowly sit up and frown as I try to listen to what was going on downstairs but that was also quiet.

"Kuroo..?" I whispered, slowly getting out of the bed and walking to the door. Letting out a small breath, I open the door and peek out.

I look around a little before slowly walking out of the room. "Kuroo?" I mumbled, a little louder than usual. There was no response so I slowly walked down the stiars, to see no one in the livingroom or kitchen.

I guess he left...Maybe he went off to school..or practice..

I sighed and went back upstairs and put on my pants from yesterday.

I should leave too...I don't know where I was going to go but I didn't want Kuroo to be held back from school because of me and my family problems.

I gently put his shirt in the bin that he put the towels in and left the house. I walk down the sidewalk as my phone buzz in my hand. Looking at my phone, I frown as I see the callers ID.

I didn't answer the first time but the second time it rung, I gave up and put the phone to my ear. "H-Hello?" I whispered, already clawing my fingernails into my palms.

"Kozume..." The man whispered, making my heart drop.

"K-Kaede.." I whispered, stopping myself from walking.

"How are you?" He asked, keeping it simple. I frowned but continued.

"You should know that answer.." I whispered, not realizing that my palms were starting to bleed.

"I'm coming home today." He mumbled, waiting for my response.

"You can't.." I frowned, finally looking my hands as they begin to burn.

"Why is that?" He asked. I remained silent, unable to say anything. "Huh?" He asked again.

"You know the answer to that also...Just tell me why you want to come back.."I whispered, putting my hand in my pocket.

"Can't I miss my little brother?" He whined, making me cringe.

"How could you dare miss me? You left me with mom." I frowned, as I continue to walk down the sidewalk.

"I love you too." He chuckled.

"When are you coming back? The time I mean." I sighed, not noticing Kuroo who was calling my name from behind me.

"Now, I see you.." He hummed. I frowned and watched as a car approached me. I flinch at the sight at him as he wave back to me. "Hi, little brother." He smiled, leaning on the rolled down window.

I avoided the eye contact as a hand touch my shoulder. I quickly turn around and make eye contact with Kuroo. "Kenma? Who's this?" Kaede asked, looking over at Kuroo.

I look between them as they both look at each other, obviously confused for different reasons. "Kenma?" Kuroo mumbled, looking back at me.

"I-I..." I bit my lip, trying to say something but nothing came out of my mouth.

"Hello, I'm Kenma's older brother, Kaede." He smiled, stepping out of the car.

"Older..brother? Kenma, I thought you didn't have any other family." Kuroo mumbled, looking at me with disbelief.

"I-I no...I don't-"

"You're saying I'm not your brother?" Kaede asked, making me look between them both..

I look as Kuroo frowns, knowing the answer that he needed. "Kuroo...I didn't mean to lie to you..." I whispered, he sighed and shook his head.

"Hey, I'll see you at school tomorrow." He mumbled, trying to pull off a fake smile, which didn't work at all.

"Kuroo.." I whispered, watching him walk down the sidewalk.

"Shall we?" Kaede asked, opening the car door for me. I looked up at him but walk over to the car. After lookin back at Kuroo one last time, I get in the car, letting Kaede drive me back to the hellhole.

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