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Kenma's POV

I harshly slam the car door, making Kaede flinch. "I said DON'T slam my car door." He sighed, locking the door.

I ignore his words and slowly walk up to the house. Staring at the door knob, I hesitate about opening it.

"Do you not have a key?" He frowned, watching my hands.

"Shut up, I do." I groaned, getting the keys from my pocket and unlocking the door.

We both slowly walk in to see our mom sitting down at the kitchen table, drinking some water.

That's the first time that I've ever seen her drink anything other than alcohol in 2 years...

She turned around to us and immediately stormed over to me and gave me a nice slap across the face.

I slowly held my cheek, looking down at the floor as Kaede stand there, frowning.


"Mom, I don't think you should be hitting him like that...What if one day you hit him a bit too hard and he dies?" Kaede hummed, walking deeper into the house.

"I WISH THAT'D HAPPEN!" She laughed, still glaring at me.

"That's a bad thing to say." Kaede sighed, pouring him a cup of grape juice.

Kaede and mom has always been closer than me and mom...No wonder she has never had the thought of hitting him...

Just because he went to collage and is successful, just like how dad was..

Just because he never cried when his feelings were hurt, as if he ever had feelings in the first place...


"Go and get my phone " She sighed, walking to sit down on the couch.

I stood there for a while, not realizing that she even wanted to look at me. "Now!" She yelled, looking for something to throw at me.

I flinched and quickly walked into her room. I looked around to see most of our pictures as a family facing downward.

I looked closely at the only picture that was upright, it showed our father, smiling at the camera.

Is it possible to hate my father...? He didn't do anything bad but somehow...I have this feeling of hatred.

You left me for scrap...if only it was me who was drunk that night...if only I was the one who had pulled the trigger...maybe then...no one would be suffering because of my existence...

"Hurry up!" I heard mother yell from the top of her lungs. I quickly grab the phone from the bed and walk back into the livingroom.

Slowly giving her the phone, I take of my jacket and hand it up on the coat rack.

I gave Kaede one last look as he did the same, before walking to my room. As soon as I closed the door, I fell to the floor grasping my shirt.

I didn't realize I was holding in my breaths until now. Was I that scared of Kaede...?

I felt tears well up into my eyes but I kept them from pouring out.

I won't cry....I can't cry....

"Kuroo...." I whispered, closing my eyes, trying to make myself believe that this was all just a stupid dream...

But it wasn't...

Kuroo's POV

I tried everything..From watching TV, taking a cold shower, to even playing monopoly by myself.

But, I couldn't stop thinking about Kenma. He wouldn't just lie to me like that..

If he truly believed that he had no one, then he had no one. But, why did I have to walk away from him like that?

I sighed and threw the monopoly piece on the game board.

I have to talk to him...

I picked up my phone and dialed his number. I took a few breaths before it went to voice-mail.

One more time...

I put the phone on speaker as I cover my mouth, nervous to breath at all. "K-Kuroo?" I heard from the other line.

"Kenma.." I sighed, relieved to hear his voice, even if it was shaky and filled with sadness.

"I'm so sorry...I didn't mean to lie..." He whispered through the phone.

"No no..It's okay, you didn't lie..I just thought you and your mom were your only family." I mumbled, quietly sitting down on my bed.

"I'm sorry..I just-I don't want to have anything to do with my brother..he..He just left 2 years ago..and-"

"Kenma, you don't have to tell me the things that you have problems with saying. I'll be here for a while so, you have time." I softly smiled.

"Kuroo...?" He whispered.

"Yeah?" I frowned, waiting for whatever he was going to say next.

"Am I depressed?" He asked, I froze and frowned.

"What do you mean?" I asked, sitting up in the bed.

"Panic attacks, crying everyday, hating myself....I'm not normal..." He whispered.

"No, you are normal..You're amazing, you shouldn't hate yourself." I mumbled.

"Everyone hates me..sometimes..I don't even bother to care anymore but...I keep having these thoughts..." He whispered.

I could already tell that he was tearing up, but he didn't let himself cry. "Thoughts?" I asked, nervous about what he was going to say next.

"..Nevermind...How are you?" He suddenly asked, shocking me.

"Kenma..." I whispered, not sure if he was crying anymore.

"Hey, I'll see you at school tomorrow, we do have practice, right?" He asked.

"We do but..Kenma..Shouldn't you-"

"Bye." He mumbled, quickly hanging up the phone. I sighed and threw my phone down beside me.

"Jesus...Kenma..."I whispered, resting my head on the wall.

"What thoughts were you having?" I sighed, moving my hair from my eyes.


SO......I know what this looks like...

I DID say that it would be 2 chapters a day butt.....It won't at least...normally....


That's only because I have practice literally THREE days a week and a performance next week...


I will try my hardest to keep the 2 chapters a day..

BYE NOW...I might release another chapter....idk..😅

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