Chapter 0

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Before the start of the story, here is some part of Kaiza's life on Nebula M78, the Land of Light, the homeworld of Ultras. This is the time before Z series and Ultra Galaxy Fight: The Absolute Conspiracy.

At the Land of Light...

Nebula M78, the homeworld of the Ultra race. The planet also called as Planet Ultra or commonly known as the Land of Light. This is the place where Ultras are born, raised and trained. From here, is the start of a new generation warrior.

At the Space Science & Technology Bureau Lab...

In the lab, it shows a certain silver-red Ultra who is working on a item. His name is Ultraman Kaiza, an Ultra and yet not orginize from this planet.

Kaiza: Finally, my best creation finally about to complete.

In the large holographic screen, it shows the image of the constructed Kaiza Knuckle, that he have yet to name it. A special item that can utilize the power of other Ultras in order to help others get stronger. Then the chief of the science team, Ultraman Hikari, entered the room.

Hikari: Kaiza.

Kaiza: *turn around* Oh, Chief Hikari!

Hikari: How's the development of your project?

Kaiza: It's about to complete. Using the data from the Ultra Medals and Z Riser, I able to create it. But for some reason, I kinda miss all Z's complaint about this.

Hikari: *chuckles* That's what you missed about him?

Kaiza: Well, he is my friend. Now, the others are quite busy about protecting the universe while I'm busy in this lab. I guess Devil Splinter is hard to handle, huh?

Hikari: Indeed.

Kaiza: Anyway, when will Z done with his training? Didn't we plan to give the Ultra Medals and the Ultra Z Riser to him?

Hikari: Now is not the time. While he still in training, try to complete your own project.

Kaiza: Yes, sir.

Hikari left the lab. Kaiza continue on his work on the knuckle.

(Time Skip)

After done with his work, Kaiza went outside and stand on top a tower while watching the scene.

Kaiza: How peaceful is this place. I hope that this peacefulness will remain like this.

???: Kaiza!

He turn around and saw Mebius land near him.

Kaiza: Mebius-nii-san!

Mebius: Yo. How are you?

Kaiza: I'm good. How's the mission?

Mebius: It's not really a big deal, but the Devil Splinter just spread too fast. I hope that we just can stop them in time.

Kaiza: I think so, too.

Mebius: Anyway, Kaiza, I heard that you're developing a new device. I'm sure it will be an amazing creation.

Kaiza: Oh, yes.

He open his right palm and a small holographic screen shows the new item he's developing.

Kaiza: This is it. It's a special item that can also be use as weapon. I use the data of the Ultra Medals and Ultra Z Riser to create it, but it still incomplete. And it seems that I need some more data if I want to complete it.

Mebius: Hmm... Maybe what it need is like the data of experience.

Kaiza: Data of experience? I see, you mean the data from missions of Ultras, right?

Ultraman Kaiza: Next Generation MebiusWhere stories live. Discover now