Danger From the Depth

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With the help of Ultraman Dyna, Kaiza able to defeat Cyberdelos using the new power of Flash Mode. The researchers of Neo GUYS continue their investigation on the Devil Splinter and lock the cells away from any electronic device or whatsoever items it might can possess. And now, summer is in the house.


At the open sea...

Under the surface of the sea, Hidra appears in his Ultra form and stand on top of a high rock pillar. He glance around and spot a tiger shark. Using his mind control, he call the tiger shark and it came close to him. Hidra held out his right hand and the Devil Splinter cell that he took appear in his palm. He throw the Devil Splinter and make the tiger shark eat before telling it to swim away into the depth.

Hidra: Hahahah... That one would be useful to make his majesty stronger.

He disappear in dark aura. At the dark part of the sea, it shows some red-purple lightning or light flashing there showing that the tiger shark that ate the Devil Splinter begin to mutate and grow in size into something terrifying.

Few Days Later...

(Phoenix Nest)
(Control Room)

Asuka isn't there because he have to leave to GUYS HQ in America along with Torikawa and Keiji. Takuma is incharge as the second-in-command of the team. Erika isn't there because of summer holiday and she is together with her friends during the holiday for a while.

Shinya: Summer... The best year to go to the beach! And...!

He and Jake is reading a magazine with idols and women in swimsuit for the year's summer trend.

Shinya: The best day of them all when get the magazine of the very first out!

Jake: Yeah! I've been waiting for this! So cool!

Reina: *disgust expression* Perverts... *turn to Rentarou* Hey, Rentarou, make sure that you don't grow up into these stupids.

Rentarou: Yessir...

He is sitting at his desk while looking into the database of the past defense force.

Rentarou: Geez... I can't think of what I'll do with my summer holiday.

Reina: If I remember, you're the only one who get full summer holiday.

Rentarou: Yeah, why?

Reina: How is that even fair?

Rentarou: I guess because I work double jobs than you guys. Aside from part of the response team, I work with the science team and also responsible for the creation of Legionoid GC.

Reina: Well, you can't deny that.

Takuma: It's been a week since Cyberdelos appear. Until an emergency is alerted, you all can take a break. *stand up* Go to the caféteria during the lunch. They'll be a special lunch for today.

Reina: Now that's a good thing!

Takuma walk out from the room. Feeling annoyed with Shinya and Jake's attitude while reading the magazine, Reina snatch the magazine.

Shinya/Jake: Hey!

Reina: Stop reading this or I'll throw this away now.

Shinya: That's not fair!

While Shinya begging for the magazine back and Jake secretly walk away, Rentarou look at Erika's desk and saw the note that said she's going out for holiday with her friends in Okinawa. Then Lim shows up and land on top of Rentarou's head.

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