Power of Land

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After years passed, the peaceful era of Earth has now ended. Monsters are starting to show up. In the first fight of Neo GUYS, they are quite hopeless against a space monster called Gorboros. While in battle, a rookie member of Neo GUYS, Hinata Rentarou, fuse with an Ultra named Ultraman Kaiza and successfully defeat Gorboros. Now, a new defense force along with a new Ultra shall prevail and protect Earth from any threats.

(Phoenix Nest)
(Research Lab)

Due his reckless action, Rentarou are assigned to be part of the science team while working with the response team. However, Rentarou didn't feel down about it because being part of both teams makes him happy. Right now, Rentarou is at his desk in the lab while researching about Gorboros while having a ramen cup, or for short, cupmen.

Rentarou: I see. So Gorboros' armor are made by many different type of minerals... huh? No wonder it so tough.

???: So, got what you need?

He turn around and saw Bez.

Rentarou: Oh, Prof. Bez. Well, we now know why this kaiju is hard to deal with. This rock armor basically create by the mineral it consume.

Bez: I see.

Rentarou: However, if Gorboros came to Earth in order to find minerals then it's not something unusual. When studied, I actually see one before as a child during on the ship to Earth. Sitting on a large asteroid while eating minerals.

Bez: Well, minerals are their natural food source. But something worries me about this.

Rentarou: What do you mean, Professer?

Bez: Originally, kaiju on Earth supposedly extinct like recorded in ZAP Spacy database, am I right?

Rentarou: Yeah, that's right.

Bez: But what if there could be kaiju still left on Earth?

Rentarou: I actually thought that is possible. Kaiju that have yet to found is like they're in hibernation state.

Bez: We need to wary all the time. Remember, let your guard down even once could be fatal.

Rentarou: Heh. My kendo instructor also said that to me like all the time during class.

Bez: Then you better remember it clearly.

Rentarou: Yes, yes.

Bez: Well, I need to get going and check out the fighters. Keep it on with your research.

Rentarou: Okay, Professer. Good luck.

Bez: I don't need luck in this.

He left as Rentarou continue to do his work. After few hours, it nearly reach noon with Rentarou still doing research. It shows there's two more cupmen cups on the table while he still doing research about Gorboros.

Rentarou: I can't believe that there's so many minerals fused into one tough armor for this kaiju.

???: Hey, rookie.

Rentarou: *turn around* Hm?

He saw Asuka walk to him.

Rentarou: Oh, Captain!

Asuka: It's look like you work hard for this. Why didn't drop at control room last time?

Rentarou: You said that I violent the rule and use the Gun Crusader recklessly. And then send me to this science lab in order to do research about Gorboros.

Asuka: *scratch his head* Ahh, sorry... I did say that. Ahahahahaha!

Rentarou: *sweatdrop* Captain, is this something you would laugh about?

Ultraman Kaiza: Next Generation MebiusWhere stories live. Discover now