Rise of Evil

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During the arrival of Yapool, the alternate dimension being who threaten both Ultras and humanity. But Mebius arrive on Earth and assist both Kaiza and Dyna. With his help, they able to defeat Yapool and his threat is over for now. But that is not what they should be focus at. Because the real threat, will soon come.


In the dark of the forest, it shows several Sadola. But it also reveal that their eyes are glowing, signing they are infected by Devil Splinters. However, before they could rampage, energy whip slash at them all at once and kill them, engulfing them in explosion. It reveal to be Karina's doing.

Karina: Hahahah... Now this is good.

From the destroyed monsters, Karina absorb the dark energy from the refined Devil Splinter.

Karina: These Devil Splinters are really delicious. With now, my power have increased even more. Just you wait, Kaiza! Soon, you'll be mine forever! Hahahahah! Hahahahah!!

(Next Day)
(Phoenix Nest)

Rentarou: *yawn* ...

After waking up, wash himself and get into his uniform, he walk through the hallway and head to the control room.

Kaiza: What's wrong, Rentarou? You look so tired.

Rentarou: Well, I look into the past database about kaiju along with data about Yapool. I also look into some of the new photos that Aika-san sent me.

Kaiza: You know you should do too much work.

Rentarou: I know, but it just my nature. I like look see the detail about kaiju or anything related to history.

Kaiza: Well, you did say that before.

Rentarou: I wonder if they get mad when I come late.

(Control Room)

When Rentarou arrives at the control room, he sees that the whole room is completely pitch black.

Rentarou: Huh? Where is everyone?

*light lit up*


As soon as the light turned on, it shows the whole team along with Hanako, Torikawa, Keiji and Bez. The control room also have birthday decoration, some food on the table along with a cake, and everyone wear birthday hat.

"Happy Birthday!"

Rentarou: Whoa... wha...?

Erika: Happy Birthday, Rentarou!

Shinya: Congratulations!

Jake: *in English* Happy Birthday, samurai boy!

Rentarou: How did you know today's my birthday?

Takuma: Captain told us about it.

Reina: And we make a very fine preparation for it.

Keiji: This is your special day!

Bez: So all of us keep this a secret, until the day comes and suprise you!

Torikawa: I remember the time how fun it is to celebrate things like this!

Ultraman Kaiza: Next Generation MebiusWhere stories live. Discover now