The Golden Wizard

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At least three monsters come out from familiar golden portal, used by the Absolutian which confirmed that they are on Earth. But at the same time, Lim somehow able to gathered all the particles around the base and become an Eleking. Because of this, Lim has been suggested by the GUYS HQ to be a Maquette Monster that fight in the field.


The Narak is the golden pocket dimension that belong by Absolute Tartarus. In the dimension, Tartarus is standing while watching Earth with a special mirror like thing.

Tartarus: As I thought, human here is stronger than I expected. And even the allied themselves with kaiju.

???: I guess that you taken interest into them.

The mirror disappear as Tartarus glance back and saw another Absolutian. The Absolutian have a mage like appearance with golden cloak and hood, gauntlets made of diamonds, and only have his right eye glow in blue under the hood.

《Absolute Geist》

Geist: It's been a while since I'm fighting.

Tartarus: You still being chased by him?

Geist: As much as I don't want to, I'd like to have an opponent who I can fight with. Not to mention, I have a trick to use against him... and King Kaiza.

He walk away and snap his fingers as a portal appear in front of him, and walk into it and walk away. In part of the room, it reveal someone familiar tied with golden energy rope and restrained.

(Phoenix Nest)
(Training Ground)

At the training area, it shows Asuka, Rentarou and Erika are there for training purpose. Kaiza also there in his hologram form. Lim and Agira are summoned so they can be trained.

Asuka: Okay, you two! This is merely a training, but you must fight like this is a real battle!

Erika: Let's do this, Agira!

Rentarou: Lim, you can do this!

Agira roar and Lim screetch as both of them rush toward each other, before they start fighting with each other as part of the training. Agira ram into Lim, making Lim back away. Then Lim lash his very long tail at Agira, sending his opponent away.

Erika: Agira, don't give up! You can do this!

Rentarou: Good one, Lim! You're good!

Lim and Agira rush again and ram into each other. They keep hitting each other, until Agira bite Lim's hand, but Lim counter by electrocuting him.

Erika: Uhh... Is it just me or those two are like playing than fighting?

Rentarou: I dunno. But I agree with you.

As the two Maquette Monsters continue to fight until the time is up and they disappear.

Rentarou: And there they go.

Erika: I think they are more effective in the field than here. Is there a way that we can somehow make them fight properly?

Rentarou: *shrug* ...

Kaiza: Well, that at least ended well.

Rentarou and Erika give Kaiza a deadpan expression.

Kaiza: What did I say?

Asuka: Hahah. Well, that is what they'll do if you give them weird or opinions that doesn't seem fit at all.

He walk to the table and give the two a cup of hot chocolate, and a box of donuts. Rentarou and Erika take their cups and donuts.

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