Will of Flame

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Rentarou's birthday is here, and yet a disaster happens. Karina appear and become a colossal dark monster called the Darkrinas. After make Kaiza let go of the Cosmo Repulsor, Darkrinas turn Kaiza into stone and consume it into its endless stomach, a world of void where nothing can reach it. With Kaiza's defeat, the world is in grave danger. The world is currently in chaos as the dark cloud cover the sky all around the world, making everything in pitch black world, just like the during Alien Empera incident where he closed the sun and prevent it shining to Earth.


The whole city is burned and the buildings are destroyed. The civilians are taking refuge at some shelters, trying to get over the incident and make sure they felt safe. The people are trying to get to where there's light because there's nothing but darkness outside. Darkrinas stop its assault for now as it hide away in another dimension. The Cosmo Repulsor still in the base area near the Phoenix Nest.

(Phoenix Nest)

The team is in deep frustration. All of them felt very desperate. Asuka is at the medical room, still unconscious after the battle. Hanako is sitting at the roof, trying to make herself stop crying as both of her brothers are taken away. The whole Neo GUYS of Japan are at their worst point.

Shinya: So, what should we do now?

Jake: How should I know? We lose...

Reina: Don't say that...

Shinya: But it happened.

Reina: Can you stop saying that?!

Shinya: How can I stop?! We lose! We lose terribly! Gun Phoenix is wrecked! Gun Booster and Legionoid are too damage even to move! Our base can't even flight without our Captain! Captain is in medical room, and Rentarou and Kaiza...! They...!

Takuma: Stop, Shinya. Like you said, we've lose. But don't try to say things that break the team!

Shinya: ...

Jake: ...

Reina: ...

Erika: ...

She burrow her head into her arms and fold his hands around her legs. Neo GUYS is humiliately lose to Karina even when they have Ultraman by their side.

(Karina's Pocket Dimension)

Inside the pocket dimension, Kaiza is stuck in stoned form. He just floating around in the dark dimension without no place to go. And inside of his inner space, Rentarou is sealed inside a diamond like coffin. Karina appear in Kaiza's mind, as Kaiza is shown crucified with diamond like cross. His Timer is not active, but in his subconsciousness, Kaiza remain active.

Kaiza: Ka... ri... na...

Karina: Hello, my dearest brother.

Kaiza: Why... you... keep... doing this?

Karina: Why you ask? Because I want everything! I get what I want! And I get whatever that I wish for and get it, willingly or by force!

Kaiza: You... been like... since... Father... and Mother... are gone...

Karina: Then good! I always wanted their love, and yet they only focus on you! On you! You have the power of light and darkness, the one who chosen to rule our race for centuries! I only born in darkness, and yet I'm trying my best to get their attention! They never put any attention at me!

Kaiza: You... wrong... they... love you... You just... don't realize... it...

Karina: Shut up! I don't want to hear your lies! But now with you're here, I'm happy! My dearest brother that I love so much is here, with me! You're mine now, all mine! Hahahahah!

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