Miracle of King

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In the previous chap, Ultraman Kaiza along with Neo GUYS able to stop Hidra and Volcan from rampaging, and they find out that the two giants were brainwashed. And then, the Princess of Darkness, Karina, appear. Turns out, she is Kaiza's older sister and the one who turn Kaiza into a king of tyranny in the past. Kaiza somehow able to separate with Rentarou at the last minute, but Karina's Curse of Darkness was a success and Kaiza turn back into his old form; Kaiza Darkness.


From the ground, Rentarou have the Kaiza Knuckle in his right hand along with the Ultra Chip, shocked to see Kaiza has changed.

Karina: You finally are back, my dearest brother!

Kaiza Darkness look at his hands as he felt power surge through him and he shout loudly.

Karina: Now, it is time for you to take back your sword.

She snap her fingers and a sword covered with dark energy appear in front of Kaiza. The sword is the Cosmo Repulsor, Kaiza's original main weapon and made solely for his usage. He grab the sword and felt more power, before he raise it up and emit lightning blast to the whole surrounding, destroying everything around and burn the land. Rentarou who caught in the explosion get sent flying away before he crash at a wall and crash to the ground. Rentarou look at Kaiza who is ravaging the land before he fall unconscious.

(Time Skip)
(Phoenix Nest)
(Medical Room)

After the battle, Rentarou was found and was sent to the medical room where his wounds are bandaged and he slowly trying to heal up.

Rentarou: Ughh...

He slowly waking up and look around, seeing that he isn't at the city anymore.

Rentarou: Wh-Where... am I?

He slowly sits up before hold his left shoulder in pain.

Rentarou: Oww... Am I, in the hospital? Or at the base?

When he hold his head, he recall everything that has happened.

Rentarou: Kaiza... He's... turn evil...

*door opened*

He turn to the door and saw the whole team come into the room.

Shinya: Rookie!

Jake: Samurai boy!

Erika: Rentarou!

Rena: Hey, you're okay?

Rentarou: Guys... What happened?

They all look down and feeling desperate about it.

Takuma: After Ultraman Kaiza... No, Kaiza Darkness appear, he ravage the whole city and turn it into a field of flame. The civilians are safe, but...

Rena: The damage caused by Kaiza was devastated.

Rentarou: How long have I been out?

Takuma: About 24 hours.

Rentarou: A whole day?! I can't just lie here and wait, I need to help! *hold his shoulder* Argh!

Erika: Rentarou, don't! You need to rest.

She push him back down, making him sit on the bed.

Rentarou: But... In this time...!

Asuka: All you need to do now is rest. There's nothing we can do about it.

Rentarou: What will happen to Kaiza?

Ultraman Kaiza: Next Generation MebiusWhere stories live. Discover now