The Great Discovery

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After defeating Peguila using the power of Ultraman Zero that gave Kaiza the power of Hurricane Mode, an unknown Giant appear before Kaiza. Though Kaiza intend to fight, the giant suddenly kneel down in front of him and bow his head down.

Hidra: I, Hidra, your respective retainer have come to serve you once again, my great king.

Kaiza: G-Great... king?

He take step back before look at Hidra who stand back up.

Hidra: Could it be... my king, you forget who you are?

Kaiza: What are you talking about? I'm no king or whatsoever ruler. I'm just a genius.

Hidra: It seems that the lies from Land of Light and the light have turn you into someone else. Worry not, my king. Next time...

He back away from Kaiza before he bow in gentleman way.

Hidra: I will make you become a great king once again.

His eyes shine before disappear into dark flare aura and disappear from the area as the dark clouds also disappear. Kaiza look around and didn't see Hidra anymore.

Kaiza: Just who is he? And why did he called me "king"?

(Time Skip)
(Phoenix Nest)

After the operation complete, the team head back to the base. Rentarou walk in slow pace while thinking about he and Kaiza's encounter with Hidra.

Rentarou: *in mind* Who was that guy from before? An Ultraman? No, if he is then I do I feel bloodlust coming from him?

Shinya: I guess that Peguila isn't strong as we expected. Kaiza just easily defeat it.

Jake: Yeah.

Reina: But what I keep wondering is... who is that blue Ultraman from before? Suddenly bowing down on Kaiza like Kaiza's a king or something.

Shinya: Could that blue guy mistaken Kaiza for someone else?

Reina: I doubt about that. No one just bow down at anyone who they just met like that. *turn to Rentarou* Hey, what do you think?

Rentarou: ...

Reina: Hey, Rentarou. Rentarou!

Rentarou: Ahh! Yes! What?

Reina: Do you even listening to what I'm saying?

Rentarou: S-Sorry, I'm spacing out. There's a lot of things I'm thinking.

(Next Day)
(Control Room)

After the defeat of Peguila and the sudden appearance of Hidra, the team gathered in the control room in order to discuss about the current situation.

Asuka: I know that we successfully assist Ultraman Kaiza in the fight against Peguila, but... Only question has remain in our mind?

He tap at the keyboard and the holographic screen appear, showing Hidra.

Asuka: What questioning us is this guy. With his appearance, no doubt that his a Giant and yet, we don't know if he's an ally or enemy. But for sure, it seems he show respect toward Kaiza.

Shinya: That new guy suddenly bow down to Kaiza.

Reina: That is unexpected. And Kaiza doesn't seem understand why that Giant bow down to him.

Jake: Could it be they know each other? But Kaiza doesn't seem to know the Giant because he was confuse himself.

Erika: This thing really confusing...

Ultraman Kaiza: Next Generation MebiusWhere stories live. Discover now