Saving Pris

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Since the arrival of Absolutian on Earth, it reveals that a new Absolutian named Absolute Geist has taken Pris, Kaiza's adoptive sister, challenge Kaiza into a battle. Kaiza unable to control his anger, making him hard time to fight against Tartarus. Before Tartarus finish him off, Ultraman X appear and stand in front of Kaiza. Before Tartarus leave, he left a Red King enhanced with Absolutian power to deal with X and Kaiza.


Kaiza disappear into particles, leaving X to deal with the monster. Red King II shoot rocks from its mouth, but X create an energy shield to block it. Upon hitting the shield, the rocks explode. X run ahead and punch Red King II, making the monster falls. X lift the monster, and throw Red King II away, making it crash to the ground. Red King II roar loudly before shooting even more exploding rocks at X.

X: That won't hit me!

He jump away as the rocks explode upon hitting anything it crash onto. X stops at the side, before he shoot slash beams at Red King II into the head, making the monster knocked out and fall to the ground. X grab Red King II's tail before swing the monster around and throw it into the air. X lash his right hand to the side as his Timer turn yellow, before skid his right leg at the back along with his hands to the right side as digital like energy gathered around him.

X: Xanabium Kousen!

He make his hands in "x" style and shoot "x" formed blue beam that hit Red King II, and hit the monster right into the air really hard before it explode up in the air.

X: And that is done.

He put his hands in a cross before break it, and disappear into digital particle.

(Time Skip)

After done with the battle, Kaiza revert back to Rentarou. Since the people have been evacuated, there is no people around the area so far.

Rentarou: That's great, Kaiza. Very great.

Kaiza: *appear as hologram* What was that?

Rentarou: You completely blew off yourself! I'm trying to help you and calm down, and yet you still in anger!

Kaiza: How about you?! What if it was your sister was taken?!

Rentarou: Of course I will be mad, but your way is wrong! You basically just let your anger control you complete!

Kaiza: You don't know how it feels to lose someone important! I've lose my parents, have a crazy older sister, and an annoying yet very nice adoptive sister!

Rentarou: You're right, I don't know how it feels to lose someone. But that doesn't mean I don't understand how it feels to being all alone. Kaiza, I always alone most of the time.

Kaiza: You really do?

Rentarou: I'm a naturally talented person, and a space generation. That makes me special, but it also makes me feel isolated away from most people.

Kaiza: ...

Rentarou: ...

???: I guess that you two need help.

They turn to the side and saw a young man. The man is wearing a defense team uniform from another universe known as Xio. The man's name is Oozara Daichi, Ultraman X's human host.

Daichi: Nice to see you again, Kaiza. *look at Rentarou* And it is a pleasure to meet you.

Rentarou: You can see Kaiza? Wait, who are you?

Daichi: I am Oozara Daichi. But you also know me as Ultraman X.

???: Hey, Daichi. You know I'm right here, right?

Ultraman Kaiza: Next Generation MebiusWhere stories live. Discover now