Attack of the Cyber Being

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It's been three weeks since the attack of Queen Gorgon and her Gargorgons on Earth. She and her minions caused a lot of damage, but all off them have been fixed in one week. The day after the battle Hyuga return to the ZAP Spacy HQ. With the team know that their captain is an Ultraman, the team feel confident in fighting against stronger enemies.

Few Days Ago...

At a GUYS Research Facility...

The researchers is analyzing the Devil Splinter cell that they've obtain after Legionoid was defeated.

"Hey, what do you think this is?"

"I don't know. But Professer Bez said be careful with it so we really need to be careful with it."


When the researchers walk out from the room, the Devil Splinter suddenly glow faintly and produce some electricity. The electric pass through the special glass tube and enter a nearby computer. The computer turn on and the screen start glitching, showing that it's infected with some kind of computer virus. From the screen, it shows a figure standing in the middle of black and white background.

???: Hack... Corrupt... Destroy...

After few seconds, the computer turn off as the living virus move through the wire and head out to the world.


In the middle of the city in the night of Yokohama, the streets as bright, lively and busy as ever. Everyone is having a nice time like they always did. And from distance, they just using their electronic devices in daily life.

"Hey, guys, how you're doing?"

"It's a nice night, isn't it?"

"Let's go get some take out food at the restaurant."

"Damn it... I lose again!"

While they are having fun in doing so, the screen at a shop suddenly glitching. At the same time, the electronic devices of the people also start to act weird.

"Huh? What is this?"

"What's going here?"

"Hey, my phone isn't working!"

"Mine too!"

"Hey, what happened to my music?!"

Then large screen at a building which showing the news start glitching as well. After few times, it shows the same white and black background where a monster like figure standing in the middle like the ones appear in the GUYS computer at the research facility.

"Wh-What is that?!"

"Hurry, call Neo GUYS!"

"I can't! My phone is not working!"

As the glitching start getting worse, the same figure at the large screen appear at their electronic devices. The figure has shining purple eyes which freak out the citizens.

???: Hack... Corrupt... Destroy... Hack... Corrupt... Destroy... Hack... Corrupt... Destroy...

They heard voice and a roar at the same time which cause the whole area into a panic situation. From on top of a building, Hidra and Volcan are watching down below.

Hidra: Oh-ho? This is interesting to watch. The humans are running in fear with something they cannot control.

Volcan: This isn't your doing, isn't it, Hidra?

Hidra: Please. I may be cunning, but if it for the sake of our king revival, I would do it. This has nothing to do with me.

Volcan: *sigh* So we have someone else who's messing around on Earth aside that evil snake, huh? Geez, why the current Earth is more troublesome than the one 5,000 years ago?

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