Go, Lim!

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Kaiza have been turned into his old self known as the King of Evil, Kaiza Darkness. But thanks to his comrades effort, they able save Kaiza as he return back to normal and gain his original power as a king as well as gain a new form. They somehow able to cast Karina away for now, but they also know it is not for long. Hidra and Volcan left Earth under Kaiza's command so they can return to their planet and keep it safe until Kaiza return.


It has been three weeks since the previous battle against Karina and the whole country along with the world has been restored to normal.

(Phoenix Nest)
(Control Room)

The team are having a nice time together. Though Torikawa and Keiji don't even know about it, the team also kept Rentarou's secret as Kaiza. They are currently enjoying this peaceful time. Rentarou, Erika and Lim talking with each other, Shinya and Jake reading manga, Rena reading magazines, Takuma and Kaiza are playing shogi with Asuka help him to move the shogi pieces. But in the end, Kaiza won the game.

Takuma: Again...? Kaiza, you're too good.

Kaiza: Thanks for the compliment.

Asuka: You should go back and lead your people. You got your memory back, remember?

Kaiza: I did, but they still foggy. And after all, you think it's easy for me? I was a tyrant back then.

Asuka: And now, you've changed.

Kaiza: No one would expect those who like me change so quickly. Like Belial.

Asuka: He's pure evil and consumed by jealousy and power hungry, it can't be helped. You just turned into evil.

Kaiza: That's not an excuse.

Takuma: Excuse me, Captain. But can you two stop speaking about Ultraman stuff? I do not know anything you meant.

Kaiza: Okay. So, wanna play again?

Takuma: Sure thing.

While talking with Lim and Erika, Rentarou is lookinh into the keyboard and it show the data of every beings they've encountered throughout the time.

Lim: Squeek, squeek!

Rentarou: I know. But I really need to do some looking.

Erika: Rentarou, at least get some rest. You and Kaiza really need it. It's been three weeks.

Rentarou: Karina is still out there, and wonder where she went disappear to.

Erika: *sigh* ...

Lim: Squeek, screetch!

Rentarou: I know, Lim. But this isn't going to be that easy. And I even have a hard time trying to cool down myself...

Then Torikawa and Keiji enters the room, though Kaiza's hologram form is still active, the two cannot see them because he didn't allow them.

Torikawa: Hello, everyone! Ahh, it so peaceful weeks, isn't it?

Takuma: Torikawa-san, don't say that too often.

Torikawa: Hahahah! I won't worry, and I doubt there will be more threats since that those two giants retreat!

Keiji: Are you well?

Asuna: Somehow.

Jake: Yes.

Shinya: But I just want to take some break for a while! Since this is a very peaceful time, and our jets need some more additional look out!

Rentarou: *in mind* Why am I thinking this isn't the what I think it is?

Ultraman Kaiza: Next Generation MebiusWhere stories live. Discover now