Descend of the Evil Beast

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The defeat of Legionoid was a great victory for Neo GUYS because they not just defeat the giant robot, but also take it as a new anti-monster-and-invasion weapon for GUYS. However, like most people says, calm before storm.

(Phoenix Nest)
(Control Room)

Like the usual day, the Neo GUYS are having their own time. Asuka is having a nice cup of coffee while the rest of the members are making ruckuss like always.

Erika: Okay, Lim, Jump!

Lim jump and do two spin in the air before landing back down.

Erika: *clapping hands* Yay, you did it! You success with two spin!

Rentarou: Okay, Lim! Make three spin now!

Lim: Squeak! Screetch!

Rentarou: Aw, come on, Lim! You can do it!

Lim shake his head before he jump away and disappear.

Rentarou: Ahhh... And now's gone.

Erika: You know that three spin is hard, right?

Rentarou: I know. But aren't Lim is a little to sensitive?

Erika: He is too sensitive sometimes.

While the team is having a good time, Torikawa and Keiji walk into the room in hurry pace and panicked expression.

Torikawa: Everyone, this is an emergency! Clean everything up! And put away unnessessary things away before he gets here!

Keiji: We need to move fast, now! Like right now!

Shinya: Ehh... A visitor?

Jake: Who's coming this time, Adjutant?

Torikawa: He's coming here today! The Supreme Chairman of ZAP Spacy, Hyuga Hiroshi!



Everyone, except for Asuka, Rentarou and Erika, are suprised when they heard this news.

Erika: *stand up* Grandpa's coming here? Today?

Through the hallway, Hyuga is seen walking through the hallway with two guards in front of him. The crew GUYS hurriedly put away their stuff which might compromise their look at the Supreme Chairman of the ZAP Spacy. However, Asuka casually drink his coffee before put the cup and small plate away, Rentarou merely clean his desk and Erika look into the mirror and fix her hair. After a while, the door opened at the control room and show Hyuga with his serious expression.

Torikawa: W-W-Welcome to Phoenix Nest, Supreme Chairman of ZAP Spacy! We welcome you and here is our group, Crew Neo GUYS!

When Hyuga step into the room, he look at each one of the members. They all remain calm and composed until Hyuga reach Asuka. He smile and take off his sunglass.

Hyuga: Nice to see you again, Asuka. You look fine and strong!

Asuka: Hahahah. Nice to see you too, boss.

Hyuga: *look at Rentarou & Erika* Rentarou, you also grown into a fine young man. Erika, grown into a fine young woman. Though you still far away from that.

Rentarou: Thanks, old man Hyuga!

Erika: Mou! Grandpa, I'm already a fine woman!

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