Operation Dragonfly

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Alien Bat named Krem attacked the Earth along with his robot Zetton, but they are followed Z. Even after defeating Krem was defeated and his ship was destroyed, Powered Zetton still moving. With the teamwork, Kaiza, Dyna and Z able to defeat Powered Zetton. And after the battle end, Z and Haruki left and continue their mission in dealing with Devil Splinters.


In space, it shows a monster is being chased by some spaceships. The monster flying around in order to run away as the spaceships shooting beams at the monster. Then the beam hit the monster in the back, making it roar in pain. As the chase continues, they head directly toward Earth.

(Phoenix Nest)
(Maintenance Room)

Rentarou is helping in doing the maintenance after the previous battle, as it given a lot of damage with Gun Phoenix, and worse damage with Legionoid GC. Gun Booster is the only operational now.

???: Yo, Rentarou.

He get up from the jet and saw Asuka.

Rentarou: Captain!

Asuka: How much more maintenance need to be done?

Rentarou: Like, very much. Only Gun Booster is still operational. Damage done to the Gun Phoenix and Legionoid are very heavy.

Asuka: I see.

Rentarou: It going to be about a week, if enough resources, then few days. A very special day will soon come, though.

Asuka: Yeah, I know about that day too. Well, let's get to the control room first.

Rentarou: Okay, sir!

He hop down from the jet and land on the floor, grab his jacket and follow Asuka to the control room.

(Control Room)

Everyone is gathered at the control room. Lim is with everyone like usual, being hugged and carry by Hanako.

Asuka: Okay, how is the situation so far?

Erika: Nothing has happened since Alien Bat attack few days ago.

Jake: So we're good for a while?

Erika: I guess so. But kaiju or alien has been frequently appear all this time all the sudden?

Asuka: We don't know that, but we need to stay alert.


*emergency alarm rang*

Shinya: Oh, man! What now?!

Erika: Something is coming from space and head directly to Earth! And it's heading toward Area 5-2M!

Asuka: That's the mountain side. Put it on screen.

The screen turn on and show something is flying in the sky. But they unable to see it because the thing is very fast.

Reina: Rentarou, what is that?

Rentarou: I don't know, and it moving too fast.

Asuka: Rentarou, get to Gun Booster and get out there. We need to know what we are facing. Erika, follow Rentarou and take Lim's capsule, just in case.

Rentarou/Erika: G.I.G.!

They grab their helmet and rush toward the hangar.


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