Speed of Wind

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After the appearance of Red King, Neo GUYS and the world defense team have confirmed that Earth might have entered the new era of monster attack and alien invasion. And along with the new Ultraman who is called as Kaiza have appeared.

At Alaska...

It shows the frozen land of Alaska is currently have a heavy blizzard. While at that, it shows the ground of ice slowly shake before the shaking getting stronger and break the whole ground. Then a large winged bat like kaiju come out from the icy ground before let out a huge roar and then flies away from the area.

Three Days Later...

At Tokyo, Japan...

(Phoenix Nest)

Outside the base, Erika and Lim are sitting on the bench. Both of them have scarf around their neck. Lim have special made scarf that Erika made for him.

Erika: Man... It's really cold in these past two days, right, Lim?

Lim: Squaek, squaek.

(A/N: I don't know how to pronounce Lim's voice/sound so I make it like that.)

Rentarou: Thanks for waiting!

He grab two cups of hot chocolate as he take a seat next to Erika. Rentarou gave a cup to her.

Erika: Thank you.

Rentarou: You welcome. Don't Lim want anything?

Erika: Lim's an Eleking, so he only eat electricity.

Rentarou: How unfortunate. If Lim can eat actual food, I'm sure he'll like this hot chocolate. Especially at this cold time.

Lim: Squaek!

Rentarou: *pat Lim's head* Of course I'll think about you. You're part of Neo GUYS, right? You're not just a mascot, you're a teammate.

Lim: Squaek, squaek!

Rentarou: Hey, hey, don't went overboard with that compliment. I'm not a type that like too much compliment.

Erika: Rentarou, do you understand what Lim saying?

Rentarou: Yeah, somehow I did. I guess because I spent most of time in space before and ended up understanding different languange than human language.

Erika: That's a good thing!

Rentarou: I guess...

They take a drink of their hot chocolate.

Rentarou: But this is odd. I know that this is fall season, but aren't this temperature is just too cold for fall?

Erika: When I think of it, yeah.

Lim: Squaek!

Rentarou: Lim think so, too.

Erika: I don't like cold weather. It really is chilling. What do you think?

Rentarou: I'm fine with hot or cold. I'm born in space so I don't really get about the weather here until I start living with my grandparents at Hokkaido. They actually have a hot spring resort.

Erika: Really?! When you have time, can you take me there?! I love hot spring!

Rentarou: Sure. But I kinda hope to invite everyone including Lim. I just hope that Lim able come along.

???: Hey, you two!

They turn to the side and saw Shinya and Takuma.

Takuma: What are you two doing sitting outside at this cold? Also, why did Lim even join in?

Ultraman Kaiza: Next Generation MebiusWhere stories live. Discover now