Return of A Hero

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After the appearance of multiple Gargorgon along with their ruler, Queen Gorgon, Neo GUYS are badly defeated and Kaiza also face his first defeat by Queen Gorgon. The team are unable to do anything because of that. However, Queen Gorgon's goal isn't to petrify Earth and take its energy. She wish to take revenge on Dyna for sealing her for ten years in space. It's been a day since Queen Gorgon came to Earth.


"Look at all this damage."

The reporter is standing in the city where the area was absolutely destroyed during the battle between Neo GUYS and Kaiza against Gargorgon and Queen Gorgon.

"The unknown space monster just came into Earth and start rampaging. All this damage was done in just a day. Neo GUYS and even Ultraman Kaiza are helpless against them! Is this means that there's a kaiju that strong enough to take over this planet?"

(Phoenix Nest)
(Control Room)

The team is watching the news. Some of them are injured. Takuma have his head bandaged, Shinya's hand is bandaged, Reina's cheek is patched and Jake has his left arm bandaged.

Torikawa: What is going on here?! And what is with that space kaiju?! We unable to defeat it, and even Ultraman was helpless against it!

Keiji: But Ultraman Kaiza was weakened by the first two Gargorgon before the large one appear...

Torikawa: Of course I know that!

Asuka: *in mind* Why? Why it has to come here and threaten this Earth?

When the door opened, it shows the injured Rentarou who have his right arm and his head bandage as his left cheek is patched.

Rentarou: What happened?!

Erika: Rentarou-kun!

She walk to Rentarou and help him stand properly.

Erika: You should stay in bed and rest!

Rentarou: Captain, what happened? Where did that kaiju went?

Asuka: It escape back to space. I think it leave us alone for now. But who knows when will it appear again.

Torikawa: You all should have some rest for now. I'll contact the other GUYS Branch and ask them for help!

He and Keiji leaves the room. Hyuga isn't with them but he still remain at Phoenix Nest. The team feel very uneasy after the appearance of Queen Gorgon.

Shinya: What should we do now? The Gun Phoenix are badly damaged, Gun Booster is under repair and even Kaiza are beaten by it! Isn't there anything we can do?!

Reina: Calm down, Shinya! We all here are feeling uneasy same as you are! At least calm down and think about this!

Shinya: But...!

Takuma: Like Reina said, calm down. There's nothing we can do for now.

Jake: We're as frustrated as you are!

Shinya: *hit the table* Damn it! Just what did it after?

Asuka unconsciously clench his fists before he stand up and leave the room.

Erika: Captain!

Rentarou: *sigh* ...

He take a seat at his desk. Lim appear and land on the table as he screetch and squeaking.

Rentarou: I know, Lim... But it is really frustrated that we lose so badly. And our fighters are damage...

Lim: Squeak, squeak.

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